Terpene Refinement Tek

Does anyone have any expertise on the post process refinement of cannabis derived terpenes?

We are working with hemp derived and want to refine a couple of our strains to bring out the “loud” notes leaving behind the earthy/grassy notes while remaining true to the cannabis aroma, flavor and effect. If anyone can offer any advice or can point me in the direction of someone who can either consult or toll process for us I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

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Not much of loud notes in hemp. Those grassy smells are just what hemp terpenes produce. I wouldn’t expect a whole lot buried beneath it. @drjackhughes is the expert in terpene refinement though so maybe he can help you.


We played with this a little bit a while back. The only tools we had at our disposal to work with it were a bench top short path and a wiped film. The process was really just fractioning them off and recording the various temps that each fraction was collected at. We did 6 fractions, which all smelled quite differently. Each fraction was then used as a component to blend for different formulations. It’s a page out of the whiskey making play book. I wouldn’t call this the best way to do this by any means, but we got some pretty interesting results. Some of the formulations were much better than the starting terps. Some weren’t. Even though it’s slower because you have to do 1 fraction at a time, I’d probably use the wiper in the future to expose the sensitive terps to heat for the shortest amount of time possible. Good luck!