Terp discount for Future4200 members - Extract Consultants

I agree with y’all about the no PG & MCT, but I’ve tried several of their solvent free blends which is their premium line and they been big hits. Plus a large amount of their selection in the solvent free blends I hadn’t seen offered elsewhere so between the quality and different selection was worth trying them out. First order placed 9 months ago with several additional orders placed since then and still the most requested outside of the full spectrum & full spectrum blends. Now I’ve only dealt with the Solvent Free Blend line and cant speak for the other product lines or their quality.

What is solvent free terps? Terps are a solvent this just sounds like over marketed bull shit.


Well my terps have residual solvents in them. I don’t care because I blend with Disty and it brings the ppm way down because of the heat and the dillution. Solvent free dweebs

@RockSteady “even though pentane is my favorite flavor…” :joy:

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What residual solvents do you have in your terps? I’ve never had residual solvents in my terps before.

Pentane. I make terps differently than most if not everyone. They’re bomb. Com

I got that “gas” lol

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The solvent free line is our line of blends that extracted without solvents (steam,C02). A lot of licensed facilities use these blends due to strict testing requirements. Terpenes extracted with solvents often contain residual solvents so they eliminate that possibility.

So what solvents are in your other blends and which ones exactly? That’s good intel to share…

I’m not sure, but I’d be more than happy to find out. Our website has all of our regulatory docs inclduing MSDS and TDS. These might be helpful in the meantime…

You don’t know what residual solvents are in it? Wut

Also the ones without solvents are $17.50 per ML. $35 for 2ML is brutal if not cannabis derived

Mr. Extractor could have been purchasing from us or our parent company. There have been tons of pop up terpene shops that just repackage. Our owners personally go visit farms to inspect all types of crops for botanical extraction…they have been for 3 generations. They used to extract mint oil on horse drawn carriages next to the fields.
I think most people haven’t heard of them because they don’t market themselves like your typical terp company. I know a lot of people are here for the boutique extracts, but there are a lot of people on here because extracting pays the bills. The GLG is all about helping each other level up so if we can share info and reputable suppliers it helps us all! When we can be social again, I would love to talk shop if we ever meet up!

Who is it… if you are just going to defer all your expertise to your “parent company” you may as well say who it is if we’re supposed to trust them

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free terps for all future 4200 regulars or go home

They get waaay cheaper when you start buying larger sizes…I will send you some 2ml’s to try out…

When you work with some very large companies that aren’t cannabis friendly, they don’t want to be associated with a company that does support cannabis…I guess I can’t get in trouble if I just leave a breadcrumb trail right?..

Send me a shipping address and pick 6 off the website and I will have them shipped out. 2ml sizes…

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You and floraplex are close neighbors.

Side note, hows Mi near you? Its bat sheet crazy in the stores over here. Keep your business paperwork in your car if we get pulled over. Sheets gonna get deep here in a few more days.

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Oh yea - floraplex is really close to me. We distribute through some of the same stores and I even know some of them pretty well.
Things have been kinda weird for a couple weeks now. I have autoimmune issues and Had all the symptoms 3-4 weeks before they said it hit here.
Are you on the west side of the state?

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Sort of near the detroit zoo (15mins away).


I don’t get how people don’t mix them themselves. My terps average out to 20 cents a ml