ChemPoint has many chemistries used in the Cannabis/Hemp Industry~
We stock Dow Syltherm XLT in California and Chicago for your condensers and chillers.
We will provide you technical data and have a tech onsite for your questions: Nitro Jackets? Volume Variations? Which grade do I need for the best protection and temperature requirements?
Anything Heat Transfer Fluid related - we know the answer
Give me a call or email if you need pricing or have questions. Thanks for the opportunity to partner with you~
Rhonda Valentine (425) 372-9043
We can assist you making it work a bit better, but it truly works best in a closed system with a nitrogen blanket. We helped a customer last week who also was using the Syltherm XLT (perhaps it was you?) You can still use the Syltherm, it will just burn off more quickly than if it was in a closed loop system.
No offense to your company but for open systems nothing beats Dynalene 600. For closed glass, Duratherm S works the best and stays crystal clear seemingly forever. Closed metal systems, modified Mineral Oil by Multitherm works great, cheaply.
Products comparable to these would do very well here if you offer them
Superlube 100 cst working like a champ. I tried duratherm g. it turned black in 2 runs. xtractor depot total false advertised on their site. Lesson learned
It’s the best product for glass wiped films. For rotovaps and open systems, nothing beats Dynalene 600. No smoke at 200C though nobody ever needs to go that high for cannabis
If you don’t need to see through it like on a wiped film jacket, I’d choose Dynalene 600