Newb here seeking help with Post Processing and purging my BHO. Please tell me where I’m messing up.
I run fresh frozen in a an ETS MEP70. I believe we have this process down pat and safe. The collection vessel is set to 40C and we wait to extract until our collection column hit 0psi or lower. I pour into a pyrex dish (usually around 1000 grams of extract) and set in a hot water bath for about 20 minutes, changing the hot water 2x. Sometimes I agitate at this step to help off-gas. We do this in our c1d1 room and do not have control of the water temp. I then dry and set pyrex into an AI vac oven set to 80F and pull vacuum. I do have a cold trap in place and over about an hour or so I can get my oven to -29psi. I turn my temp up to 90F and let sit under the pull of the vac for 3 hours, take out, whip, and cap.
Where am I going wrong in terms of purging?
I also will want to ask some about preferences on post processing techs once I fully understand my purging process.
Thanks to all in advance, be kind to the newby.
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Crash out the thca through various methods
Spin of the HTE in a centrifuge
Purge the HTE in a speed mixer
Would you suggest doing this at the end of my 3 hour purge or is there a different place that makes more sense to? Also would I then need to purge the liquid section that didn’t crash out? I also am wondering about the safety of capping the bho in a centrifuge tube.
Ignore my ignorance I’m here for that knowledge.
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Speed mixer is $$$
You can purge hte in oven.
Depending on your allowed ppm you can do it pretty quickly.
Allowed ppm is 500
I keep it in oven under -30 vac for a few hours. What temp range you use?
Stir on stir plate covered (make sure airflow is good and it’s not still actively boiling off butane) with kimwipe fast at 80 f for a few hours then just a couple hours at 78 -20 in the oven. Check butane levels and adjust from there
Thank you for the suggestion!
I have run my extraction like I normally do in me MEP. I poured off into pyrex at 100f and let sit in cling wrap. By the time I was leaving work I could see crashing out already. Tomorrow I plan to set in my oven at 90f and let it sit for the day. Then asses from there.
I’ve been told “crashing out” too fast can trap solvents into my extract. Anyone have knowledge on this or an explanation for how to avoid it?
I can reassure you that you should not be concerned about crashing out too fast. For those of us that work in high production labs, we aim to crash out our crystals as quickly as possible. With a proper purge you should still be able to hit ND for residual solvents every time.
Everyone has been very nice and helpful! This forum is amazing.
I have been able to purge every extract since this post thanks to your help. Just more time and vacuum with some mixing. I shoot for ~16~ hours at -30inhg and 90F to purge my extracts with a good mix somewhere in there.
Its also ok to leave it in you c1d1 or fume hood overnight after you extract without doing anything to it. Although we do cover it with press and seal wrap overnight. Mix it up in the morning and in the oven it goes.
If you whip it up after you extract or before you purge you can change the consistency.
Its ok to agitate the extract before or after purge as long as you purged a good long while.
Diamonds are a different post process sure, but after separating the terps from the stones purging is the same.