Synthetic CBC from BayMedica

I’m now working with BayMedica, a very high end company that is producing food-grade CBC Oil in a cGMP facility. Although synthetic, it is bio-identical to plant based CBC. Attached, you will find a White Paper on Cannabichromene (CBC) and the significant benefits it can provide.

BayMedica has a first class management team and they really have their act together. In fact, one of their scientists worked with Novartis on the development of synthetic Insulin.

Single kilos are now at $8,000. At the present time, 20 kilos are available.

Let me know if you’d like me to send you a current COA, or if you have any questions. I’d also welcome the opportunity set up a call with the founder and CEO. You can reach me directly at 727-543-3419. Thanks!

CBC.White.Paper.pdf (724.3 KB)


Curious, have you ensured that this is not a chiral counterpart to CBC?



What’s the spin on the molecule?


The article you reference is over-simplified since THC and CBC actually have four stereoisomers, not just two.

This just in from the CEO of BayMedica:

The jury is still out on the natural enantiomeric ratio of CBC in cannabis:

“CBC is also a chiral cannabinoid, but it represents a rare case of a natural racemate, although the same authors reported an excess of one enantiomer in the Bedrocan variety [1,40, 111].”

Citti et al. 2020. Pitfalls in the analysis of phytocannabinoids in cannabis inflorescence.

If you have an interest in learning more, please let me know.


I do have an interest to learn more, so I wonder then, does the statement above imply that you have not ensured that it is in fact bio-identical?


So you admit this isn’t hemp derived?

I dont think you should be openly selling this here

@sidco @Future

There’s no reason you shouldn’t be making cbc from cbg


As far as i’m aware CBC is not scheduled in any way except potentially as a “marijuana constituent” – i’m not sure there’s any issue with a synthetic version.


I think you missed the point extek was making, it’s not In relation to the how many total enatiomers the cannabinoid has but more so that we don’t know which enatiomer(s). There’s a reason why people don’t mass synthesize things that can be botanically extracted

"although the same authors reported an excess of one enantiomer in the Bedrocan variety [1,40, 111].”

Which enatiomer of cbc is that? Hopefully one that actually has its benefits…


Hopefully without any negative or unhealthy reactions in the body.




From the white paper:

CBC is a non-psychotropic cannabinoid that by virtue of its presence in C.
sativa has been safely used by humans for thousands of years [8]. In addition,
CBC has been the subject of numerous animal studies with no observable
negative consequences at experimental usage levels. One older study
attempted to determine the toxicity of CBC in mice, but few adverse effects
were noted even at exposure at levels that far exceed any expected use in
consumer or animal products[13]. BayMedica prodiolTM CBC is currently
undergoing rigorous safety and toxicology studies with the purpose of
achieving a Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) affirmation. Such
designation is critical for the safe and legal inclusion of any ingredient into a
food, beverage, or supplement.”

So, per the white paper, please don’t put this CBC in food, beverages, or supplements… yet.


Considering the category is for “hemp slanger” I don’t think synthetic cannabinoids should be counted

I’m really surprised you didn’t mention something about the safety of chiral molecules when you were bitching about the safety of thcp in my thcp thread

Cbc isn’t a naturally occuring chiral molecule

The same way that the enatiomers of thc aren’t naturally occuring

I don’t think there’s a clear rule. If level 3 verified slangers can sell hot d8 as compliant with no repercussions, I don’t see this being an issue(although I do personally see it as one)

I didn’t realize initially that CBD products were the only thing that really got verified, felt pretty misled as a newb. It’d be nice to have a click through disclaimer stating as much :man_shrugging:


Please show me where ppl are openly posting hot d8 on here for sale

I guarantee if someone has it was taken down by the community

OK, sure enough, I suppose this doesn’t belong in “Hemp Outlet” category. I don’t know what would be the correct category – I’m not sure one’s been made yet. And if indeed an enantiomer was produced that is not naturally found, then that would certainly call for further analysis before declaring it safe for human use. On the other hand if they are all natural enantiomers and only the ratio is different, that would be mor elike just an isolate.


Have you ever seen any of the enatiomers of cbc occur naturally?

I feel like if they did we would have standards for them and they don’t, they only have the 1 from what I’ve seen (please correct me if I’m wrong)

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I did find this?

Edit: I am mega derpy today. CRM = Certified Reference Material


everyone who sold it as a finished distillate originally on here sold it as compliant, when we all know clearly it was not. Multiple people here still sell it, just not as openly after I called out CBDokie on the practice

I wouldn’t know – chromatography can’t separate enantiomers unless it uses chiral media.

Yea but there not posting hot coas and making threads, what you do in the dms is on you

Openly posting a synthetic cannabinoid that is found in MJ could bring alot worse shit down on us then d8 ppl thought to be compliant

Imagine if the chiral molecules isn’t safe and ppl start dying…

You think d8 will fuck you up shittt