Could I please get the input of all those out there who are, or have run supercritical CO2 systems; if these numbers in the table below look on the level?
Pining down specifics for CO2 is always frustrating based on all the variables but interested to see how far off the mark these values are? Please feel free to point out clear fixes where necessary. The greater scrutiny the better.
Input biomass is milled and decarbed, winterized @ -40, Rota-Vap & WFE for 2 passes.
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You’re in the ballpark, but if this is what you’re using to convince investors or lenders you’re a bit short.
Appreciate the confirmation, this is not miles off. If a suggested narrowing of % or mass variance is suggested I am all ears. Especially interested to hear if something looks out by a big margin. Hope this will help others as well.
Instead of trying to get a soup to nuts number, you may want to try to get a better understanding of the yields for each step in the process, the specifics of your biomass, and the particulars of your equipment. It’s enlightening when calculating unit economics.
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The search bar may unveil a tool to help you ‘calculate’ yields
Thank you appreciate the pointers, time to put in some more read time this weekend.