Super Sativas

Yeah,he was one of the memorable dudes for me on overgrow, tons of unsung (and oversung) characters. Time takes us all


I’d like to grab some skunkhouse gear, the Han Solo and Donny Burger that I’ve tried out here has all been A+

I did run some agent orange and apollo 11 in the 90s but they were all cuts, i heard there wasn’t very good selections from the seed packs usually since he was having others test his stuff and what not. The agent orange yielded like crazy, his pics were always nice looking. Never actually popped any of his seeds it was all vet’d cuts.


I thought of micky hart, and it totally tasted like a Grateful Dead show


Apollo 11 I dont know too much about except that c99 was nice. And agent orange is an awesome punk band

The public gets what they deserve
Not what they demand
Till we decide to be
A business not a band



I booked a show with Mickey Hart. I paid him, but he refused to sign my bodhran after the show. What a jerk!

Edit: Fixed bodhran spelling. Also, he brought Vince Welnick from Infrared Roses with him as a surprise guest. I can’t be too mad.


That looks awesome

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Does anyone know a cannabis DNA testing outfit? I have a saliva I want to be tested to see its origins.


I’ll pay for half of that as I’m interested too


:rofl::rofl::rofl: I already know. Damn thing past every other strain from seed and the light in a few weeks. :man_facepalming:t2:

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I too have a land race sativa that I’d like to test as well. @Demontrich can attest


Bg got that banging 69 day saliva :laughing: needs testing

Couldn’t resist :facepunch:

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I bet bg wishes it was a 70 day Sativa. More like 90-110 days. Fortunately, I’m smoking the weed now! :joy::rofl::joy:


So you don’t want to use Phylos from what I hear

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Yeah but the 69 saliva…needs testing.

Must be spacey weed to miss a saliva/sativa typo and a 69 joke :joy::rofl::joy:


I like Phylos. They are a lot better than the labs on this side of MI

Dirty, i swear my key board has a mind of its own or its confusded between languages. Yeah, this girl has been around for a long time in Miami. We got it from one of my friends dads that ran it in sea of green with no veg time. Killa is right about the time though. I lnow some dudes tbat would run it to 120 with good results.


Would recommend Medicinal Genomics, you can checkout their open source genetic map here: And they’re great to work with on breeding projects (and won’t take or sell your data for their own breeding projects, cough cough)


You can use Phylos if you don’t mind giving your genetics away. Ace is a good compromise for some legitimate sativa although they work in enough indica to make them manageable for indoor. The real magic starts with the 16-weeker or longer strains. Highland Mexican x Blueberry is the s*** for a shorter flowering strain.


I know swami seed has some heirloom sativas from the brotherhood of eternal love.
They have Guerrero ?? Panama red. Highland Thai. And some crosses that foot and gascanistan made
I want to try their velvet rush

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