Sugar instead of shatter

For a grand total of 5 hours, or am I understanding this wrong?

This is probably going to sound very ignorant, but my understanding is that with higher terp content the end product wants to sugar… The original poster said this happened once they started doing live resin. Could that be the answer? Also, perhaps a tempering process similar to sugar/chocolate could help?


Is 150 psi your standard operating psi? 120 is very hot. You should be running no higher than 100 and 15 mins before shutdown it should be 85 so 30 mins start bringing down your temps. I’m 80% done writing my tech. I’ll be posting it in a day or two I nail stable shatter every time and I’m going to state the variables that will effect getting shatter. No powders just a dry ice column


I do that as well (bring the heat down as the pot lowers)


It started with live, but even after doing dried trim the stuff kept “sugaring”. Upon looking closer, I realized it was crystal formation, not like crumble, but crystalline.


I rarely go over 25 psi operating, that’s just positive test pressure to be sure the unit is safe from leaks. I only boil off at 90 now

I wouldn’t suggest positive pressuring your system that much psi. Remember when pressure increases so does temperature. No telling what that is doing to all of your connections. If I was you just use a simple soap in a spray bottle with water. I suggest your first run check every connection after you turn on the pump. Also every connection you put on and take off inbetween runs. Regardless of pressure checking for leaks try to do this for safety. That’s always your top piritory. All it takes is a spark by a leaking connection and no air circulation. Than if you have multiple equipment it could potetional cause a BLEVE. That’s worst case scenario

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I only use 6@ spools to that I can safely achieve over 200 psi, ive seen propane hit 135 on a hot day, so I won’t use anything bigger than a 6”. If you use a 12” spool, then they are rated for only 50 psi. Your system is only as strong as it’s weakest fitting. :muscle:t2:

I test at 150 because I have seen 135. My mvp broke down mid extraction, so it sat stagnant for days… didn’t lose a single psi. Credit to sub zero extractors!

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“Know Your Parameters”

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Slow and cold is always superior. Running a CLS off of this principle will always result in a better product. I typically ran 0 psi to 15. Depending on my ambient temperatures and how well my last run was with keeping temps cooled. This is an active CLS.

I’m using liquid nitrogen in my sleeves, plus I was freezing 18-24 hrs at -60f. I keep it as cold as possible. Denatured and dry ice for my coils. One guy said he thought I was crashing diamonds during extraction. I thought that even if a crash occurred, the motion of the rest of the process would prevent them from growing. When I make sugar wax, it looks like there’s sparkles in it, any of you guys know if that’s possible?

I think that might be my issue. Now that I’m running almost-year-old trim, everything is coming out to shatter

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Can’t see it very good, but it refracts light like a crystal would

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Looks like good live resin! It’s rare to see live resin in shatter form. Only seen it a couple times personally

I noticed when I did clean runs I had this happen but I was aiming for shatter. I’m pretty sure water moisture was the problem in my biomass. Denatured alcohol are you freezing it a few hours before you add dry ice? Are you vacuuming while the biomass is in the dewaxing column? You’re freezing the biomass before the run?

This was my worst nightmare having the cmep go out during mid run and I didn’t catch it while the tankless was heating the shatter platter. I had a rookie mistake when I first started. I had no training btw. I didn’t open up my valve towards the pump in my collection pod. This was right after I poured my column of solvent. I was watching my collection pod smoke out and had a mini freak out while forgetting to turn off the tankless. I snapped back and I seen the valve closed. It scared the shit out of me bc they had kids running around outside. That point on I never toked before I ran new equipment.

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hey guys, just finding this out for my self with a 5lb cls (passive). i have had great luck making shatter so far and of all my runs the two that did shatter, were big runs and i put them all in my 1.9 oven, limiting the size of muffin i could pull. i cant explain it but i think the max muffin right away at 100f is the key to shatter. while its at its thinnest maybe im not sure. -15,vent. -25,vent. -30 hold. all with in the first 10 min. two sheets at a time to pull max muffin and then all 4 or 5 sheets can sit in there and do there thing for 24 hours.

sorry, the two runs that did not shatter were big runs.

I’ve got 9 shelves in my 1.9. can I use all? Or should I only do 5?