Subcritical CO2 Crude $600/kg

You mean like particle size? Trouble with nucleation?

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And is he sub or super

Particle size, il find out which one hes running, i know looots of waxes comes with the territory but im trying to eliminate all possiblies once i fix his filtration setup

We hardly ever get any waxes Right out of the machine but it looks like it’s full of wax is because of all the water. It’s like it’s emulsified in the oil so then you have to Roto to get it out because otherwise you end up with a bunch of water in your ethanol when you’re winterizing

But if you’re having trouble because you’re not seeing a lot on the filter paper or it could be that there’s too much water in the oil still but looks like it’s waxy

Sorry for the multiple messages I’m using voice text anyhow we also use Small stainless steel containers like a bunch of 12 quart Bain marries in a freezer set to -70C- the surface area is increased and the steel conducts the cold very well- then we agitate every couple hours and the first filter happens around 24-36 hours, then up to 3 a day with agitation in between until nothing is left on the paper

But to get the waxes to nucleate and recrystallize, the most important thing is the combination of surface area, temp conduction, and agitation. Probably quicker to throw a kg in a roto at 70C and ramp from 60 to 100RPM and then notch it up to 80C for the last hour, about 4 hours all together or until you don’t see any condensate running down the coils

Might not be as many waxes as you think

If it looks like this, it’s water

Theres a ton of water, again not sure of his parameters but there literally 15-20# of water that ive seen saved not sure from how much material but just teying to streamline and fix his problems and check off all variables i can. I rarely ever run co2 crude because of the waxes and low yields in my experience. I was thinking that the high pressure and temp might be makin the waxes smaller and will have to go down to at least.5micron for filtering. Just curious

Yeah the 5um won’t get it all, so we go down to .5um. We get 1kg/25lb biomass at around 12-15% CBD- but we only get about 100g of waxes every 6 kilos and about 200g water per 1500g raw material from the honeypot, but since we’re Sub-critical, we run at like 480psi so I think it’s gotta be a temperature thing. CO2 I think gets less polar the colder it is, so that’s maybe why we comparatively get lower waxes and less water resulting in higher yields. I’d run it as cold as it will go at lower pressures and see how much water they’re pouring off, and maybe you’ll get less waxes on the paper. As far as streamlining, you could go right into etoh to skip the dewater step, and tell them to distill the terp shine they pull out of the roto to reuse the etoh? Definitely get the .5 micron paper to get all the waxes

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Ya thats what ive been doing with all the etho, since they didnt realize how much water was being transferred into it. I meant .5 micron i always go to 1 micron no matter what for my self but it didnt not seem like they were or werent always. Ill pass on the parameter suggestions and see what happens.

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I love cbda carts

I have a CO2 machine. Apeks machine but can’t manage to make crumble. Do you got any pointers or parameters i can use. I know how to extract the terps. Im doing 30min at 90F and 1200psi on the Extraction vessel

You need any CBD bath bombs?


I am looking for some CBDA and have heard good things about your product. Specifically, I am interested in your low wax (10% waxes) CBDa crude or winterized CBDA crude, if you have that. If it matters, my goal is High CBD vape carts that do not crystallize 2-3 months time.

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Hi that’s great to hear! Here’s a COA for you-

Price starts at $600 for a single kg


10% wax content? How are you quantifying that?

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Averages from post-winterized crude mass differences would be my guess, or at least how I might attempt to quantify it without analytics that could measure that.

Even with analytics are highly questionable. Probably more of just a educated case

By placing waxes on scale