Strange things happening in my short path

I disagree w that sentiment, I’ve enjoyed and gained a lot from my conversations w @mitokid

Also, this science is quite underdeveloped, you should have some grace for error and mistakes, nobody (not even you) is right 100% of the time. We are all using our knowledge of hard sciences to the best of our ability

And you don’t just “win” cause you’re right over a PhD a few times on a forum. That’s not how any of this works.


My dad was one of the founders of innovacyn -parent company - puracyn, vertrycn and like 16 other off brands. Basically with a guy named bob billingamer - idk how to spell his last name.

They commercialized it for sterilization of wounds and hospitals and shit.


So what if I was wrong? Why do you have to conduct yourself like you do?

You don’t see me rubbing it in your face that someone else proved you wrong about your logP calculation in your “federally legal” thread.

I understand if you’re mad that I’m no longer so keen on helping you after your accusatory and confrontational style have been revealed for everyone to see.

Just move on, don’t make enemies.


Looks just like ptsa when I had it crystallize in a spd

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^ agreed bro, you already have way too many enemies in the community. Just move on and be a professional.


Listen I really wish it to be identified
R I really do I actually believe part of the holy grail for high D9 is in that substance
Yes it has properly s like ptsa
But it makes no sense how things are adding up
Ptsa solubility is high in water 67gr/100 ml
In ethanol it s not much less
The dilution was well over 1:10
And it crystelizes
Distillation is a fair separation method
But to only have 20% isomerize to D8
With the leftovers doubt it
The cbd that all of a sudden appears
Nah not ptsa
But I must admit I have not tried ptsa on cbg
So maybe there is a loop hole there we don t realize

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What’s the scent of the distillate you pulled
With the D8 in it ? Does it have the typical rubber scent after isomerization with catalyst ?

I thought he dissolved in water?

I trust you more then myself these days so I agree it could very well be silver

And you would be surprised on the results with cbg sometimes

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The original distillate smelled like urine. Strongly. The second pass i did on it smelled like nothing. Mystery substance smells the same as original.

Probably p-cresol.

GCMS analysis of a smelly fraction will confirm.

Some people smell piss, some people smell chloraseptic throat spray, some people smell horse bedding before a cleaning day.

It’s weird shit


Good spot! Has basically same melting point as anhydrous pTSA.

But is it acidic enough to act as a catalyst?

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Actually good shit

and exactly the kind of shit we need to help a Forum brother or sister in need.


Did you ever try? You said you were gonna order some. Feel free to share in the triflate thread:


Damn this aged into something fascinating to read.


Many more instances of this to be found from him kn this forum. The dude gets his tidbits of knowledge from smarter people and then bites the hand that fed him.


Not to mention even if controlled conditions could give pure d9 with PTSA, nonetheless, one would think distilling with it in the boiling flask like seen here should be producing quite the reaction soup.


Can there be also some other leftovers from the tiba reaction that behave like this unknown substance?
Ore something used in the clean up?

Anything is possible but it s bp is low as is it a melting point and it a crystal so doubt any possible aluminium product is this unknown
For most have higher bp and mp s

At this point I do not trust the first COA. I truly believe that it was misrepresented or completely false. I am having the original distillate tested through the same lab I just used to compare them.

The mystery substance acted as follows.
Melting point-37c
Soluble in ethanol- yes.
Soluble in water - yes (when heated to 28c)
Substance recrystallized in the water at room temp. (22.7c)

As far as the CBD reappearing and the D8 levels I believe the original COA to be trash. I am sure when I get it retested through the lab I always use it will show that.

Do you think that distilling it could have changed the properties of whatever this substance is?