Stainless Screw Press SOLVENT RECOVERY

Sir, are you making liquor with that cannabis juice?

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Actually the frozen fresh hemp is an interesting concept. We havenā€™t duplicated this test but are told some are flash freezing the fresh material and getting as high as 75% of the water by weight out of the material. I beieve this was just a flash freeze with nitrogen and then its pressed at ambient though. Iā€™m not certain if they press it in a frozen state but that extreme cold breaks open some molecularily bound cell walls allowing more water to be pressed out. This is the type of detailed data we arenā€™t really being fed back but we know the concept of freezing plants does break open cell walls that wonā€™t break open at ambient so its logical.

If we press fresh hemp between 75%-82% moisture we get around 50% by weight out which brings the moisture content into the higher 50ā€™s%. When we duplicated this test we got the exact results we were being told from our customers. 0.5% CBD (mainly CBD-A) coming out in the press liquor. 7.5% by weight in Sugars (this is a lot). Less Chlorophyll to deal with on the back end since a lot presses out up front.

Screw presses before a dryer isnā€™t new to us. We used to MFG dryers and were putting presses in front of them in the energy crisis in the 70ā€™s.

As for the back end and pressing below freezing point of water we donā€™t have any test results back but Iā€™m pretty certain less of the undesireables will make their way into the press liquor at that cold of a temp. I do believe many if not most are doing it at below freezing temps. The mixture of ethanol acts as a lubricant with the ice so it shouldnā€™t cause an issue in the press.

freeze, thaw, squeeze, dry :thinking:

or for those in more norther climes freeze, harvest, squeeze ?!?

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Correct. 7.5% sugar by weight.

Our basic math per 1000 acres (we have an excel spreadsheet you can punch in fuel costs and get the rough savings):

Reduces Dryer Fuel Costs: $130,000 / 1000 acres Natural Gas or
$365,000 / 1000 per acre for Propane

Preserves Terpenes by Minimizing Thermal Exposure / Dryer Time

Minimal CBD / THC in Existing water. Cannabinoids Only Oil Soluble. Max 0.5% CBD (we have a COA for this test)


now those fuel costs make more sense than what my memory was telling me after MjBiz! Thx for that clarification, cause I was skeptical on saving 100K/acre in fuel LOL!

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I did experiments running fresh frozen and blasting with LN first then running -80 EToH. Gotta wait till next season to try wet but should have no issues.

Proof tested the ethanol after we reclaimed from the FFE and it was 200 proof

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Had two Vincent CP-6 working in this exact system. (Iā€™m now out of the game)

Used this for flash freezing:

This for solvent recovery:

Rest of gear here: