Squirt base questions

Hello all! I would like to make my lady squirt. Okay in all seriousness I’m looking to modify my collection base which I’m currently using a splatter platter to a base that can squirt da doo doo butter out, now my questions are what pressure
is pushing it out? Nitrogen? Warm vapor? Pressure inside of the base from the evaporating solvent? How much extract is left on the reducing bowl? Any answers to these questions I really appreciate.


It all depends on what is inside the vessel.
If it’s a ton of crude that dosen’t have any solvent left in the base you will need to circulate hot water through the platter jacket to warm the oil, then use nitrogen to help expel the thick oil. 1-5 psi works good.

If there is liquid solvent and hash you intend to pour, the pressure inside the collection pot should be brought to as close to 0 psi with the recovery pump, it should pour like water under no pressure into your dimond miner.

you loose very little by pouring out “wet” mabey 2-5 grams of product remain.

pouring “dry” for crude will leave behind the most, but if your stripping trim for crude its not an issue. typlically 5-12 gr remain depending on how much heat and stuff you used.


Thank you! I run cryo solvent in a jacketed collumn that we chill to avoid wax pick up. My questions here are regarding the squirt base only and not pouring which we currently do.

thats exactally what i wrote about, bottom pour platter right?https://www.opensourcesteel.com/products/jacketed-round-bottom-collection-base-w-3-8-mnpt-port

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Sorry! Was thinking you were referring to a splatter plater! This is good info thank you!

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all good, It was 3am and i was confused.


Leave a lil solvent in there .25lbs or so close it off with the jacketed heat still going it will clean the walls and let you spray you extract out almost completely, I’ve been doing it this way for over 2 yrs and have never found a better way and then you never have to open up you system except one a month to inspect gaskets


to clean it too!


Awesome I look forward to trying this out I did word that a lil confusingly shouldn’t post at 3am lol

Above 1psi there is enough pressure to push out anything in there. I usually recover to about 2-4psi before squirting. When it starts to solidify, but before it gets too sticky, you’ll learn with a couple practices. If it hits 0 it will be too solid


Leave extra gas in there it will clean down the wall’s and everything will be at rhe bottom and squirt out at about 2-5psi