Spring cleaning - CBD crude, CBG crude & distillate in Colorado

Selling a few things, need to free up some space everything open to offers the more you buy the more I’ll discount, can ship or delivery/pickup a half hour north of Denver

23 kgs CBD crude 77% TAC $80/kg SOLD
14 kgs CBD distillate 76% CBD 1.54% D9 14% CBC $110/kg SOLD
3.25 kgs CBG distillate 69% CBG 20% CBD $170/kg (pictured below)
28 kgs CBG crude 76% CBG 1.1% CBD 1.7% CBC $115/kg (pictured below)


Bump. Since someone asked, first pic is of the CBG crude and second is of (broken up) CBG distillate


Bump bump bump

Bump bump. Down 1 kg on the CBG distillate

Can we get analytics on your CBD crude? In Loveland, CO. Email is best at contact@elitecslabs.com

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Bump bump bump

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bump bump bump

Bump bump bump

Just reduced some prices, bump

Reduced prices some more, bump

Bump. CBD is all gone, CBG still available.

Bump. Dropped prices more

Bump, prices dropped more

Bumpagain, make me an offer

Updated quantities available, now have 3.25 kgs left of the CBG distillate. Make me an offer for all of it and I’ll make you a deal