Spring cleaning - CBD crude, CBG crude & distillate in Colorado

Selling a few things, need to free up some space everything open to offers the more you buy the more I’ll discount, can ship or delivery/pickup a half hour north of Denver

23 kgs CBD crude 77% TAC $80/kg
14 kgs CBD distillate 76% CBD 1.54% D9 14% CBC $120/kg
5.5 kgs CBG distillate 69% CBG 20% CBD $200/kg
28 kgs CBG crude 76% CBG 1.1% CBD 1.7% CBC $140/kg

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Bump. Since someone asked, first pic is of the CBG crude and second is of (broken up) CBG distillate

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Bump bump bump

Bump bump. Down 1 kg on the CBG distillate