Sprayed breath mints discoloration

Have you tried your sop on other mints with same result?

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This is probably from oxidization of the oils, the food dehydrator/time may be causing it.
These oxidizing spots are probably hot spots as @cbdbulk points out.


could this be tested with the use of an antioxidant? @Soxhlet

maybe the alcohol is beading up on the outer layer of the mint? then once its eats though the outside it settles in those spots?


I like that train of thought too, it could very well be the mint oils themselves.
@cbdbulk you could try it? there could be other things afoot as well.

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Find blue or green mints so the spotting isn’t so obvious


Or intentionally include spots all over (I have so done this for non-CBD/cannabis foods). There is a reason things have fancy colors.

I’m sure there’s lots of other methods and reasons. When I get unexpected spotting, I always first think contamination and then I think shelf stability. Seems like most responses here are pointing to shelf stability. If you can spray on a piece of parchment paper and never see these issues, I’d point to shelf stability as well. If you cannot - well then your formulation has the undesirables in it and its either the apparatus or the formulation itself.

Good luck - let us know how it turns out.

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spray on some food coloring. Pizzazz’d


Im actually using isolate since these are for a heavily regulated overseas market. The discoloration actually penetrates a good way into the mint if you scrape off layer by layer.

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Now that I keep hearing this im going to look into it.

It does really really look like rust up close. This will happen even if its not stored in a metal container. Im not using distillate but I guess it could be residual mother liquor in the isolate. I think it is rust im going to try dissolving the isolate into MCT and apply that both brushing and spraying tonight in case its the ethanol causing this.

Trying that. Dosen’t adhere well to cbd lol.

The ethanol sounds like it’s dissolving sugar if it’s going deep into the mint


Omw to the grocery store!

Another mint company does this. They add herbs to the mints and it blends the spots. Tastes like ass though.