Spray distillate onto flower

Medical in MI is primarily D9 and CBD at least in my experience. I only deal with cannabis producer folks that I trust as far as quality. I’m honest and straightforward with people and don’t know any med patients who are worried about some D9 slipping into their D8!


I dont consider d9 hot d8 “dirty”.

I consider the isomers and byproducts that are not safe for people the “dirty” part.


I’m not disagreeing with you. I consider unremediated acid more harmful than high % converted D8/D9 with a small amount of mystery isomers.


Snapdragon likes to call their isomerized crude edibles medicine, I’ve got some different names for it…

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im here


Have any of the “cough, cough” D8?

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I have D8 in the can. Just spray it on. :100:

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ummm I’m from Ohio and everyone knows the difference between d8 and d9. all sprayed hemp or whatever gets bought up immediately in any of the stores around. some people just like sprayed on hemp when medical marijuana prices are through the roof and they just want something to smoke.


I’m new to participating in this forum. I was curious about your method and equipment. I’m working on a way to infuse prerolls, and I’m extremely interested in what you did here. I hope to hear from you soon.

This thread is mostly half baked europeans


Whahahaha you know it :joy::joy::joy:


Hehehe you’re definitely half baked im sure!


Don’t know how to dm but I’m developing a process myself and am interested in talking to someone who is doing the same or better. Let me know.

I’m sensing mad scammer vibes, but that’s none of my business. I like the thought experiment. Assuming you’re using cbd buds I would dissolve disty in a mix of ethanol and terps so that it was about as thick as milk. I would put the mix in a Pyrex dish and submerge buds, then put it into a vac oven to remove ethanol. would be faster than spraying individual buds, but would almost certainly result in hot spots. My recommendation is to just make moon rocks and market it as such.

Good thinking, but i just heard from someone the Ethanol would rinse out some chlorophyll and the buds also turn up darker/brownish after drying. Doesn’t make much sense to me, but apparently that’s the result they got.

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I’m new here, is there a way to connect with you to discuss this? If not on this site you can hit my IG @chris.traina

Oh boy

Here we go again! I forsee ALOT of ppl getting shot over cbd sprayed flower sold as thc.

This isnt coke, meth, or H for christ’s sake, its FN weed. Leave cbd as cbd, and thc as thc!


Been hearing alot of people using hemp for moonrocks out here and some have ended badly. No longevity in scamming people


It’s freaking weed. If you want to make money, just grow it and sell it. Voila, money earned honestly