South Africa Processing Facility ( Turn your Biomass into Oil's and Finished Products )

Hi My Future Fam!! Providing South Africa and surrounding countries the ability to process your biomass into oils/Isolates & finished products. We are a Licensed Facility License number 9x09-1. We provide the ability for Exporting into EU and Germany, Brazil, and USA. Any questions, Inquire within.


Too wich countries can you export in Europa? Its all illegal here?

Most countries even have extracts on the harddrugs list.

So I dont get how can you export to Europe?


As pharmaceutical company in South Africa we hold this license allows us to work with countries which works with pharmaceutical companies in that govern country for either commercial or pharmaceutical product. From my experience working in this midst of each international venture seems to be the current working model, such as a the venture for Coca-Cola, their ingredients still come from a plant which produces the illicit substance when grown which pharma then extracts under very strict protocols to prevent contamination of product provided such as the extract of cocoa but not the active ingredient for their drinks. Only a pharmaceutical company grows cocaine even though its illegal, they structure within compliance allows a scrutinized company to pursue such options.

So you might ask, how can a company in SA work with a company in eu? Through strict documentation, licnese, continuity, business relationships, government officials and import export company/ documentation to be applied in a very strict way.

Everything is and i mean everything has to be a case by case no one working model but working guide lines.


Source Google :


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Importation and Exportation would mean the Cannabis would have to clear customs. There’s no fucking way you’re getting Cannabis in any form past customs. Not to mention Interpol and Europol would be all over it and questioning any legality or legitimacy with it being medicinal. I suppose COA’s could help but the illegality of Cannabis being imported and exported is still very much a thing.

Is there such a thing as medicinal clearance for importation and exportation of Cannabis? No.
Can you always assume otherwise if you have a contract with a company? Absolutely.

For things that seem too good to be true; My mom always told me: If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it’s a duck


I want to say al sorts of things :joy:but your map reminds me of why I should actually shut up​:joy:and go of the internet. And avoid social shit so nobody fucks me over in this weird ass dictorship over here.

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legal anomaly = codeword for, narcostate😂

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That genuinely made me smile

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No way you get medical without gacp so best of luck since that is extremly rare in Afrika indoor only

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There really are a lot of compounds and products that are produced and distributed in this manner. I’m not saying it will work with weed, or that you would find a viable business relationship on future4200… In my area there are a few labs(Lonza) that are on a federal air base for a convenient reason.

Macedonia has gmp and gacp cultivated and processed weed not more than 100 kg has been sold this year ( it s public)
And over 50 tons are waiting for a new owner
It s all a hoax medical rec all is a hoax
Cards are beeing shuffled but those in the game don t play


Might want to make a more pharma flyer
If that’s the market you are trying to enter
Tell your accreditation etc


Yup, there is way too much supply for the low demand in any medical country that imports. Though the UK may become viable fairly soon, their program is growing at a very fast rate. I haven’t been following Germany but have to assume that their recreational program will take years to develop.

Learn something new every day. :octopus:

Germany wants to legalize in 2024 and already claimed NO IMPORT
They will not allow import Wich for recreational makes a lot of sense for where must it be imported from legally ??

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Seems like i opened a can of worms, I appreciates everyones inquire about the business model, thats why i said every venture has its own hurdles. Although, it is a blind hand in the bucket when it comes down to future420 possibilities, but i use it and someone who might have that opportunity but might not know how to execute it, are here. I have a team which can help look at factors, in which are viable to make happen for extraction, manufacturing. Alot of the hard work has been done to find which avenue works, so pharma does work in strict and rigorous process. Such for example, brazil, non can be manufactured although needs to be formulated in a specific manner for each patient which is documented from seed to extraction to formulation out side the country of brazil. but can bring in products through pharmacy which adhears to code for scheduling products through anvisa. Which can be labeled accordingly from a compounding pharmacy.

We do possess a Eugmp license, for manufacturing although we are not only the company who does. like prop 2-15 in cali, We cater to section 21 and have a pharmacy. But a legit pharmacy, not a state rand dispo, a country pharmacy. we took a step further and was like we wanna manufacture. Actually 19 different licenses 19 different molecules just for cannabis. :muscle:So we obtained a suprah manufacturing license and then paid for our eugmp approved by eu company in denmark, not all but for the main thc/cbd/cbn/cbg and their pre cursers. Its money game, without getting in specifics, because obv reasons.we adheres to code regulation etc with suprah. If your interested and have the need for the services, inquire within. No need to be so harsh about it, The great thing about building something is that people will come and regardless of how we provide detail, its to capture the difference, because we are different. Its taken along time to get here and ii appreciate you guys. :pray:

Also hopefully our present in South Africa. says he wants to legalize cannabis, which would make life easier though… I feel if we where to compare the old president to this one… its like the saying 1 out of 2 chicken cooked in the pot is better then the other chicken.