some (simple?) and newb prep questions - Distillation


We are prepping for a short path distillation setup, I was hoping someone may help me understand the purpose of decarbing and winterizing as prep to short-path?

I believe:
decarb - to prevent decarbing in the reaction vessel = boiling over/bumps – (hazard) - are there other reasons i am not aware of?

winterize/filtration - impurity in reaction vessel makes for inefficient distillation; loss and also a mess in the reaction vessel.

are these the main reasons? am i wrong? are there others i am missing?

Many thanks to any and all advice and insight.

the impurities will likely get to you pump and hinder performance. the reason a lot of us use a multiple cold trap and mulitple pump setup. The more you can get out prior to distillation the faster it will be.

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Winterization removes lipids and unwanteds from your material. If those are in your disty I believe they make for a terrible/harsh taste and I also believe it makes the disty more cloudy. Could be wrong but that’s the gist of what I understand.


ah the pump ok. i actually hadn’t thought of the bp’s of them, and leaving the reaction vessel into receiver/trap/pump :S

many thanks