Solubility of liquid co2 in other liquids

Quick question,

I know liquid and supercritical co2 mixes fairly well with ethanol.

Was wondering specifically with subcritical co2… If it mixes with other solvents such as alkanes or methanol or Chloroform.

I know it’s highly non-polar at those pressures.
Just curious on it’s benefits for something like LLE. Since it’s tuneable I would think there’s some fun to be had.

Anyone tried much? Google wasn’t much of a help. It seems like a slight to moderate louche on a methanol solution had some lower solubility, but couldn’t get much data past that.

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Refine your search results and get more specific. “solvation effects of x and y” might help - or at least a start :thinking:

Yeah that’s where I got some of my initial methanol data. The experiments I found weren’t exactly what I was looking for, but helped me make some initial inferences.

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Did you ever proceed with r and d with liquid co2 at atmosferische pressure ?
Just got a idea No cleu if even feasable

It won’t be liquid unless its under at least 400psi

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No not 400 psi it s a liquid stays a liquid at 90 psi (thus doable )

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Wonder if it would be miscible with propane both in a liquidstate


Oh right… No I didn’t try but I think it would be?

What would you be trying to achieve?

Butane lle. Do it @Roguelab. Super interesting.

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They mix. Depending on ratios, the mix can be considered a “gas expanded liquid”. Alot one can do with these systems, as it can essentially be used to cut the amount of solvent needed to perform a given extraction. and even using co2 as a solvent modifier at lower concentrations can give the liquid phase “more jiggle”.

Mr. JonBray here is the resident expert of such novelties.

Something somewhat related I think youll find neat is how propane and co2 are used in Organic/Aqueous Tunable Solvents (OATS)