Solid vs. Sleazy CBD Slangers LIST THEM!

I was just making a dog analogy lol

I’ll go back to smoking this sour og

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Yeah i didnt expect anything of substance from you :joy:

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The more money I find myself surrounded by the more scams I’m becoming aware of. Verified slanger doesn’t mean shit


And a random ass account means shit?

nah, it’s up to the purchasing party to verify the quality of goods on 100k cash orders. That’s ridiculously lazy to not do a field test. You gotta treat this shit like a cocaine deal. Cut the brick and snort the cbd


also its not a random account if @Mosaic_Co-Labs verified that they are a big buyer


Again i say, how do we know they both are not the same person? :man_shrugging: If this community is so distrustful…

I don’t think that’s the case.

@stevenvhoang definitely bought a bunch of isolate from @Ruderalis710

That would be an expensive and elaborate ploy by @Mosaic_Co-Labs just to throw some random lvl1 slanger under the bus


Im taking the “distrust everyone” to its logical conclusion, in practice.

My point is, why are we assuming steven is sharing the whole truth? A 3 second video of some buckets is not evidence


Understood, and that was the reasoning behind my witch hunt comment as well


I know and have spoken to them both on the phone. 2 completely different people and on a higher level you will likely never reach.

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Not plot or ploy going on here. @Stevenvhoang is a solid buyer who has made two large purchases from my network. First time was 230 kgs second time was 170 kgs.


You love stirring pots, I get it. You are handy with words, this makes stirring the pot look and feel all that much more fun. Please for the love of all that is good if you are ‘goin public’ with any more negative / customer service related issues instead of sensationalizing come back with usable evidence.
It’s a kangaroo court in here.


Send the sour og cuts my way bro. Lol!


Bro its the real deal. Smells like NYC sour. The nugs look like they are skinny and weird lol. I don’t have the cut yet but this herb has me down memory lane


My homie used to have the cut and it was just amazing. I miss it

@Hempure is solid! Got a good price and straightforward deal!

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its weird because I have a bag of sour og and a bag of headband and they kinda are the same strain by lineage but also definitely different and identifiable

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Does your mom still pay your phone bill? :clown_face:

Nah my sugar momma does