SOLD: Massive Wiped Film 100L per hour

Item Model/Manufacturer: Custom made no branding info
Description: The massive wiped film was comissioned by a pharma company and cost them just over $2,000,000 to build. It will run 100L an HOUR.
Price/MSRP: $420,000/$2,000,000
Current location of item: Medford, OR
Estimated lead time: 3-7 Days
Fulfillment: Direct from seller
User support / Warranty: no support or warranty

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Thats 100% an IPS wiped film IMO

Might not be an agrify / lab society but its definitely an IPS design


Kinda begs the question of why would IPS pair a 100L/hr device with a 20L hopper


Thank you for the info appreciate it!

They meant 10/hr…
The agrify system claims 5-40L/hr for a 1-stage.
I’ve never had an equipment salesperson under promise what the system can do…
They overpromise like a MFer though!


I certainly meant what I said tongue-in-cheek - of course its not 100L/hr. You can tell by looking at it, its not nearly wide or tall enough. The thing would need to be like a story or two tall and 2-3x the diameter haha. Its still a nice device, although it definitely shouldn’t have cost anyone $2MM. Thats VTA prices…and theres a reason no ones buying any of their overpriced equipment.


I’m interested.

I have the wire transfer ready to send but I’m worried that it seems a little too good to be true.

What’s the catch here, surely this is worth way more than $420K in the current market?

Which pharma company had it commissioned?
