Buchi Pure C-850 FlashPrep Chromatography System. Condition is UsedWith the Pure platform it is possible to combine two different techniques in one system without sacrificing features or functionality:1. Flash and prep HPLC: you can have a fast purification or a higher purity of your material or both2. UV-Vis & ELS detection: detection of any compound (chromophoric and non-chromophoric)Additionally Pure C-850 FlashPrep offers all other advantages of the Pure line regarding space saving, safe operation and ease of use.Previously used for THC remediation of CBD oils.Additional sampling pump included for max throughput.Slightly used. Cosmetic blemishes present. Fully functional.
So how much material could you process on 8 hr with this equipment?
DM me please.
I want to buy this.
Thank you everyone for your interest. The equipment has been sold.
Thank you,
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