Do you guys have any other techniques you use with packing your socks?
Do you grind your handtrim packs you buy to get more in the column or just blast em as is?
Beat the shit out of them with mallets?
Just getting into FF and I’m still trying to gauge the best way to pack the socks for blasting to get optimal yields, the pieces just seem so chunky the way they sit in the pack I’m just not convinced the solvent is running all the way through it. Debating on trying soaking but the research on soak times seems like it doesn’t up yields too much for the extra time wasted.
I’m starting to notice the socks absorbing more of the solvent that’s not being sucked out by my Corkin. The way I tested it was on my last run by just leave the sock in while the machine melts down, then after a few hours I vented I fired the pump back up and pulled another lb of solvent and oil out. Is there a way to fully drain the sock or is that just an accepted loss?
Get jacketed columns to recover all your solvent.
No to pretty much every other question.
Pack inside of a spare column. No grinding. No mallet. Just a tamper and tek.
I got a killer way to pack down socks by hand super easy and super tight maximizing space, no extra column needed. I need to make a video to explain it tho. I’ll put it together when I get a chance
Idk if it’s a tolerance issue but there is a 1/8” or 3-4mm gap around the sock when put into my spool. When I use a sock I get half the yield. I gave up on socks but packing tubes on my rack is a real pain. Shouldn’t the sock fit tight enough that solvent is forced through the bag instead of flowing around it? First time using socks and I’ve only tried USAs so far.
Been thinking alot about this recently. I would like to see a 3d printed head for a controllable psi vertical pneumatic press. I’m sure finding the exact psi per type of material, how many times the press would need to condense the material and be reloaded ( via stainless gravity fed hopper (( maybe vibrated))) before optimal 32 inch sock weight of 2500g, and what kind of holder to use for the sock/ sock holder would be the fun parts! Outcome would be a fairly easily created machine that has use for thousands of people… and would unfortunately put some sock packers out of the job…