Smokenol patent. What is it?

Seems like fractioning out the resulting “crude smoke oil” could yield some interesting things. And some refined cancer :joy:


mmmmmmm refined cancer, my favorite flavor


:+1:t6: Use that energy for good my friend


Ye olde new cannabinoids with bonus polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.


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I assume your not a big fan of BBQ? Don’t like roasting marshmallows…

I never really tried to put you down. You did do that to smokenol though. Instead of attacking the product you attacked someone over something silly. I Maybe tried to knocked you down a notch. I didn’t even say you were wrong. I said you were arguing semantics.

But you are correct, I’m really not that smart. I’m always trying to learn… Anything and everything, and I do have social and self esteem issues.


I am a fan of the Maillard reaction. But not so much of rando PAHs.

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You know we all test for random PAHs. Smokers, industrial workers, smoked meat fanatics, all test higher. Smokenol is aiming to solve this. Most vaping is.

People still combust. I know. It’s a thing. I chose not to as much as possible.

It could be a safe product. I’m not saying it isn’t. I’m saying I’m not convinced.

I’m just not interested based on what’s here. Always open to change my mind based on further reviews and data.


sometime spontaneously!


so apparently the only product containing Smokenol is found through Profound Naturals products. found this photo on their website, which brings up a curiosity:

at its most concentrated, 750mg of ‘Smokenol Day’ contains 300mg cannabinoids.
so, 40% of the thing is actually cannabinoids–what’s the other 60%?? additives for the ‘day’ effect? does Smokenol involve a carrier oil of some kind?

i would LOVE if one of their reps were on the forum and part of this discussion. my judgement on viability of claims is completely on the fence, the more i look into it the more curious i am


I’m thinking there is only the assumption that there are ‘magic cannabinoids’ created during combustion that are the reason for the qualitative difference in experience.

Finding out the structure/identity of a novel compound is no easy thing. While you can get molecular ion from mass spec, we are talking about mixtures of isomers and complexity of those spectra is high. Structural assignment typically requires NMR, and in isomeric mixtures NOESY, COSY, or one of the multidimensional forms of analysis.

Now, the trick with that lies in the sensitivity of NMR and the need for pure compounds to analyze. So they’d need to ‘create’ the compounds, purify them, and then select the actives and determine structure.

Good luck with that without a pharma sized budget.


Also good luck getting some little granny to buy Smokenol™ infused products. Just the fact that they named it that is suspect (since they are shooting themselves in the foot marketing wise).


Wouldn’t finding a way to achieve active monitoring during an active isomerization process to different cannabinoids and stopping on the exact moment you arrive at your destination cannabinoid(s) be a better feat than selling combusted material extracts.

So let’s all ash in a jar for a month, swish that with ever clear and then filter it. Then, if there’s any yellow/amber from it we can all be damned. :joy::joy::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::rofl:

I’m curious too.

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LC-NMR (maybe in-line with MS) would be the best tool for ID of unknowns in these situations. No need for a pure sample as it gets NMR spectrum on each peak coming off the column. It is not a cheap/simple instrument though, even pharma companies have a hard time keeping them up and running with trained analysts.

JFC. LC-NMR. I can’t even imagine the complexity.

We had our NMRs underground to protect from interference from cosmic rays. Pretty sure anything over 900 mhz it’s a must.

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58.84% materials other than cannabinoids in the product.

54.24% materials other than cannabinoids in the product.

Mystery is the majority ingredients


The mystery ingredient is obviously proprietary Smokenol™ technology.

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So, this is supposed to be representative of what is actually inhaled smoking a j?

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