Smokable CBD Flower for Sale

Hi there, we have 4 strains for sale. Hawaiian Haze, Lifter, Early Siskiyou Gold, and Hauer Haze. CBD ranges from 13% - 17.5% with very low THC.
Going for $250 per lb. and there is about 1,000 lbs per strain.

All flower is Southern Oregon grown on one organic family farm. All natural and organic practices used. Great nose and well-cured big buds! DM for details or offers.

1909ECO0197.0731 - Maria - Hawaiian.pdf (108.3 KB)

1909ECO0197.0728 - Maria - Lifter (1).pdf (108.4 KB)

1909ECO0197.0729 - Maria - Early Siskiyou Gold (1).pdf (108.4 KB)

1910ECO0264.0872 - Maria - Hauer Haze (1).pdf (108.3 KB)

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where are you located

Medford Oregon

Reminder to please post in the Hemp Outlet - Future4200

What’s the smell like please.

Very interested I don’t know how to message you, text me 8183967723

Any units still available? Interested in the Hawaiian and Mauer

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I am interested. I don’t know how to message you Give me a call or shoot me a text. 9497518189

Those are sold out however have a bunch more.

Sending you a PM

I can’t figure out how to PM you. How seeded is this flower? Shoot me a message.

Pm me please