Smelly Extract

So my lab does cold ethanol extractions of hemp for crude CBD oil. We’ve just started extractions on flower from a new farmer. As we began evaporating and then de-carbing the oil it began giving off the most pungent sewer / sulfur smell ever. Strongly reminds of the chicken houses in the east of here in NC.

And thoughts or has anyone come across anything similar?


It could legit be sulfur in there. You can dissolve some back in ethanol and drop a piece of copper in there. If there is any sulfur it will react with the copper and form copper sulfate which is blueish green and can be filtered out.


Really common with outdoor flower that was exposed to fire fighting operations.

Copper is the answer, more surface area is better, thus copper “chore boy scrubbies” work well


Any tips for removing sulfur in bho. I have tried many variations with cooper in my closed loop system sometimes decent results sometimes not

you can dissolve the extract in ethanol at 10:1 ratio then drop in some copper scrubbies or cleaned pennies. Let it sit overnight and check if blue crystals formed on the copper. The copper reacts with the sulfur to form copper sulfide which can be filtered out over a buchner funnel and some diatomaceous earth. Repeat until no more blue crystals are forming then recover the ethanol in a still or roto.

Pennies from 1962-82

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Carbon b and c with a drip tube setup will strip that shit clean.

Sans copper?