That’s actually the refill for my soldering iron…travels in my glove compartment these days. Pretty sure there’s a full size can under the passenger seat at the moment.
Might be sufficient to extract 3-4g. Won’t yield but 1/2g if you’re feeding the tube the bunk you have access to.
If you can afford an oz of input at a time, you can graduate to the more standard starting point.
EtOH is considerably safer to play with (and here in OR is not a felony as homemade BHO is).
Plenty of info on how to get the job done either way here.
a wee open blast into a pie plate outdoors will give you something to compare your qwet to.
Then you can figure out your path forward…
edit: neglected to agree with @Pupparoo. you won’t like the yield or extract from flower rosin. you feel the need to explore squish (works great if you feed it trichomes ONLY), my first rosin press (a temp controlled hair straightener) cost me $20 new.
my second (Jack) cost less than $200.