PID controller help

Then you’ve got to figure out an enclosure, and a heat sink for that SSR.

Here is Jack, my first rosin press (ok second). The enclosure was sourced from Home Despot.

The heat sink is an iMac bracket purchased for $5 at the recycling center. pretty sure the red (hdpe cutting board) came from St Vinnies, and the jack stand was a harbor freight special the boss had lying around. cut and drilled a scrap of Alu plate, and added PIDs/thermocouples/cartidge heaters for about $150.

The later pictures are actually a different build, The Cauldron of Doom, which was a commercial soup pot I installed a salvaged 2kw heating element in (up from 750w?)

90% sure those SSR were salvaged too.

The soup pot fit my 10” MK III collection vessel like a glove, and I was going to use the pairing as a ethanol recovery still, but something bigger presented itself…

It was named such because it looked terrifying with a CLS in an overclocked witches pot…

Edit: ran into this on Craigslist today:
this was the starting point…