small batch rosin decarb?

Love reading everything here. I see most people doing big amounts using fancy equipment, etc etc.

I have 5oz of flower pressed rosin. I’m looking to decarb all of it.

I’ve read horror stories of Mason jars bursting, etc.

What’s the best way to decarb, what container should I use for safety, and should I seal the container? End goal is decarbed material to be mixed with other materials (MCT for instance)

I’ve seen a lot of decarbing with small amounts, but everyone leaves the lid off. Doesn’t this evap terpenes because of lower boiling temp?

I’m not concerned about odor. Just want best final decarbed product.

if you want to preserve terpenes you will need to decarb under pressure

if not all you really need to do is place it in a borosilicate glass container and heat for 118C (245F) for 45 min in the oven

edit: I say borosilicate soly because if you end up thermally shocking it using something like a heat gun to get all of the product out of it its less likely to shatter. You can get away with a glass pie pan or something if you are just gonna mix in the mct while its hot

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Would internal pressure of a sealed borosilicate container be enough? Or will that explode?

it can. People use butane pressurized glass jars when mining diamonds and sometimes accidents can happen with them.

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220 bucks for something a person can do with a canning jar and a sous vide


You can probably get it for $160 if you fish around for a coupon code thing.

I built a home brew arduino decarb machine out of a toaster oven. Totally doable.

Most consumers like the idea of someone else doing the R&D on a product so they don’t ruin $200+ dollars of material by mistake during testing.

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I think he had a Mason jar explode a yr back making diamonds in a sealed jar. I think he etched his jar, this creating a weak point in the glass.

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absolutely do NOT decarb in a closed system. decarb generates co2 as a gas, and a lot of it.


PRVs are an absolute must…

Anyone care to do the math and show their work on the expected pressure for 36g of THCA in a 1liter vessel at 130C?

Then point out the problem with putting 358g in there (less than 1/2 full).

Note: A two ft x 2” triclamp spool is reasonably close to 1liter (1.1l ish) given 1.87in ID.

Two inch high pressure clamps should handle 800psi at 250F. You’ll want ptfe gaskets.

Edit: or show the work @Roguelab does not here Decarboxylation under Vacuum? - #92 by Roguelab


@cyclopath is dead on!

I decarbed “some” oil last night in a sealed 6” x 12” spool at 215°f. Pressure never climbed over 45 psi. When I saw that everything was complete (8hrs later), I put the container in the freezer to let the terpenes that had vaporized to condense.

After an hour in the freezer at 0°f the pressure went down to 20 psi. Released the pressure on the vessel and warmed it back up and tossed it in a cart. Best cartridge I’ve ever had, super terpy.

Use a diamond miner. No glass vessel small enough to fit in any oven can handle the pressure you’re about to throw at it


Question guys, in your experience have fkm gaskets been suitable/stable for the pressurized rosin decarb?

We use tuff-steel

Thx for the reply @cyclopath Hny. Got an extra 6” you can send me? I need it meow and they all take a while to get to me…

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