Slight Cloudy streaks in distillate?

Anyone seen this in their distillate? This is all personal grown material, no sprays or chemicals, extracted with heptane denatured etoh and winterized at -30f

Is my winterization not sufficient and some fats or waxes are distilling off with the THC?

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Is this the main body? Looks like fats and lipids

Yes main body.

Denatured extraction with not the best winterization

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Definitely fats. I’ve seen it happen to a run. The guy I had winterizing left the jar on the table as he was filtering instead of putting it back in the freezer

My modified chest freezer loose cool very fast when I open her up. Goes from -30f to -10f after a few secs of opening the lid and takes hours to get back down. Not the best setup but I’ll be upgrading soon.

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He would just set it there though and tell me he did it the way I instructed.

Sounds lazy lol

He hears half of what I ask.

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Definately looking like fats/lipids. Tighten up on your winterization and you should see that go away.


With -30F you should do multiple winter passes to make sure you crash all the fats out.


Ya i think I can up my winterization lol. Thx for the tips friends

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You can always try and winterize with dry ice overnight to really crash them fats out.

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I’ve held off on dry ice thus far but will be going that route soon. Until I get an ultra low freezer

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Everyone is saying fats/lipids but I’m almost positive that’s terpines. Wouldn’t be that much fat/lipids in the distillate if you correctly winterized/filtered

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Those are definitely Terps! I see this problem happen usually if I have to big of a load in the boiling flask. My hypothesis is that when there is to much oil the terps won’t separate fully fully until second pass. I have also let the distille run then crank up temp tiny bit then swap ball again this works but not as well as second pass