Single Jacket 1000 liter stainless storage tanks

Item Model/Manufacturer: chinz
Description: 1000 L liquid storage tanks triclamp connections , full height sight glass, large cleanout access door. barely used ethanol process
Price/MSRP: $1500
Current location of item: Salt lake city, utah
Estimated lead time: Days 10
Fulfillment: Drop shipped / Direct from seller customer pick up
User support / Warranty: none
Two 1000 liter tanks available and 3 500 Liter tanks for 1200$ each

Interested In 2 500 litre. Would you be willing to drive them to Canadian border?

Look at those fake safety rating tags welded on. Holy danger flag

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I love the “Working Temp - Normal Temp” , same for pressure :joy::joy::joy:

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