Looking for advice on your preferred shipping containers/bins/jugs/buckets etc. l Liter containers would be awesome. where do you get yours?
I wonder if a glass lined thermos would work, and how hard it would be to get all the distillate out.
media storage bottles
These work quite well.
Media storage bottles reduce transfer loss for your end user. Why cheap out?
Media storage allows your customers to place in a warm bath if needed.
You have to hit them with something classy
Bought me a few dozen Thankyou ~
Mason jars are fine. Clean them out with alcohol first and wash after before use.
No need to get all technical over storage.
I question the purity of the metal top of the mason jar. Thats all.
Got a supplier?
Autoclavable lid so you can toss it in the oven at 45~48c upright to get dist off the lid
Ptfe pouring ring to prevent transfer loss
Thicc glass to make sure it makes it there
able too. You can autoclave them and reuse.