Has anyone used a bread pan/proofing rack for shatter storage? Having issues with storage and forced to stack them. Hest is causing them to stick to parchment paper.
yep. very common solution.
you can get proofing boxes too.
what do you want to know other than it is being done?
Maybe you should fire Hest
or look into wine storage units rather than bread storage units
That damn hest is gone.
Wine storage would be refrigerated and could cause it to sweat.
serves him right for fucking up those slabs.
you want a stable temp. and low humidity. if your facility is temp controlled, a proofing rack or (better) proofing box is pretty close. as you can’t get proofing boxes with cooling (and heat is your issue), going for a device that can maintain your slabs below ambient seems appropriate. I’ve used Peltier cooled wine storage racks on a number of occasions and would say they are win.
I never got around to adding Peltier cooling to a proofing box, but it was on the list at one point. not currently storing slabs.