Shatter stability question?

It turned to stable shatter cuz there’s fats in it


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So without fats you can’t make shatter?

Seems unlikely considering people make shatter out of winterized EHO all the time


Shatter needs fats and waxes to shatter


Thats what I am realizing! A lil bit of both. So what is this distillate like fraction?

I’ve posed that question here and never got a compelling answer:

To what extent do you think it’s the case that shatter requires fats and waxes? If that were so, people would not be able to, or have a hard time making, shatter from cryo ethanol extracts it would seem. But people do that all the time.

I’ve successfully made shatter, both pull and snap and glassy shatter from (winterized) -80C ethanol extract, and people seem do it it pretty commonly.

Because then the fats and waxes get substituted by sugars

I don’t understand. Fats and sugars have different properties.

So if you brine wash then winterize you can’t get a stable shatter?

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Terpenes play a role in how stable the oil is too. Some terpenes wont affect it as much as others like old terps will. Ive definitely noticed by winterizing for a shorter period of time i get a few fats that still make it through and help stabilize the oil as to where if i winterized longer it would have better clarity but super tacky


all they need to do is keep the cannabinoids from crystallizing.

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OK guys I think I figured out what my problem is. I dabbed the immaculate clear/orange distillate like consistency that came out of the two hour dewax iso/dry ice bath. It crackles like there is water in it:(
Gotta be water, its so runny it purged quick! Anyway, I’m chalking it to that for now, but the second wash of the waxes slabbed out glass, and it dabs clean, its not the orange color, darker hue but still very clean compared to no dewax at all. So the second wash is darker shatter and clean on the nail, but the first is immaculate orange/clear distillate that crackles on the nail!!! Looks like im about to have to invest a huge chunk of time into changing out gas to try and eliminate water in my system! Anyone else have any ideas! My sieve is still hot to handle with a water droplet added maybe I need to reactivate it! This trim is dry!!! Hmmmmm. I was going hard on live runs previously.

Did you run both through the same crc?

Only dewax! Heres two pics. 1st is the dewax distillae second is the wash of waxes pull n snap

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I need the color of the first and the consistency of the second. Why is the ornage distillate like fraction (first pic) crackling on the nail when it purged very easily compared to the second pic which is the pull and snap that melts clean?

Seems like u did a hella of a job on the winterizing and u crashed out the bulk which probably stuck to the walls in the column leaving most of your terp fraction in the solution. The fact that you didn’t crc probably allowed the solution to leave the dewax in a fast manner allowing for this separation to happen. Looks like u made some np710 on accident :joy:


Np710? Whats with the crackle on the nail?

High terp concentration?

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It ripped into my collection chamber for sure. Took 80 psi to split the waxy cake open and then just dumped! So thats like chromotoghraphy? Tried again last night with a bigger run ,(cause I gotta do something with last years stuff) and a less powerful dewax, similar results, very slow flow this time however, definitely noticing caking on the wall. Is that wax, or wax and thca crashing out? Most of the yield was still in the dewax chamber so after transferring to collection. Am I going too Cold to long? What did come through once again beautiful color, but prob not gonna shatter. Washed the dewax chamber again and came out with a much more stable darker consistency! Can I conclude that waxes are absolutely essential in making stable shatter? When I only cold inject on fresh dry trim I have the same issue. Is this because I’m not taking any waxes? Cold injecting fresh dry trim usually yields diamonds or sugar for me.