Seperating THC from our CBD distillate

Well, I’ll be sharing every piece of useful information I come across since this site has been so helpful for me personally and I’d like to give back as much as I can. Not that I expect to be spoon fed. I’m not ungrateful for the hints one bit. Thanks so much for the link @Krative. One thing I found this weekend is why distillate is so prefferable to isolate over isolating straight from crude. This photo is after my first crystallization of crude. 4 rinses later and my yield is atrocious and the crystals are still light tan.

I’m going to try this PH swing method while discarding the organic layer on my next run to see if this improves yield and reduces how many washes are required. I did this with the mother liquor to remove the rest of the cannabinoids and after just one separation the color of what I retrieved from the aqueous layer was heads and shoulders above what the color of my starting crude was.

Counter current seperation - #4 by Future