Send me your redacted invoices for hd9, d8, cbd isolate distillate and crude and we will beat them!

Working with a huge lab right now but having to convince them that the prices I’m telling them are real. If you can send me your invoices with redacted names or companies or any info you want hidden and I can use that to take it to them and then beat your current pricing. Thca products too! Help me to help you! Can be small or large invoices doesn’t matter.

Please email them to me at

Basically any conversions, and any cbd inputs your buying. Helps me get them to see the truth and helps you get a lower cost of input.

Also knowing the specs of the product from the invoice would help to but not necessary.


So you want invoices so you, a middleman - can leverage better deals with labs?

This really seems like a fact finding mission with no actual advantage for the sender.


I work for this lab. However convincing them (new people to the industry with very little trust or info need a reality check) so we have been collecting invoices to show them that the prices I’ve told them they need to be selling at to
Move volume are true. Because they’ve been screwed by people they are very untrusting which makes sense. So this is the best idea me and the sales team came up with to convince the higher ups and in return I can then beat your current input pricing.

I don’t need your pricing I know what prices are. I need to show them in a format they understand that the prices im telling them are true and are being paid by real clients.

There’s no risk to you and only possible upsides of getting a better and cheaper source.

And on top of that an option to get 30-45 day terms as well if proven to be a good client

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If that’s not of interest to you that’s okay. I have labs that will do the prices I need. But when I’m hired to turn a struggling company around I do my best to make that happen. Not everything is a scam and not everyone is a scummy middle man. :heart:

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Usually the litmus test for that is ‘do you have a lab domain email’

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$550 / 10+
$700 singles

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Ok great opinions :+1:

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not sure how much competence i would be able to attribute to someone not even able to spell “distribution” correctly in their own email address


I mean to be honest this sounds like a fishing expedition for coas that can be shown to sell off products that aren’t in hand. Let alone if they even know it’s a real deal.

Why would you guys need to bring in a shit ton of Coas when all they have to do is call and check numbers with whatever lab you’re using.


Because they are not from this industry. They are stubborn. And I’m trying to right the sinking ship. It was worth a shot. Love to see the toxicity still thrives here.
@roiplek as per usual you can eat a dick I got ozempic prescription with your name on it. Don’t have a heart attack walking over here to get it

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Love to see that someone who just got off the scammer list is in a rush to get back on it




agreed 100% - but he’s too stupid to disguise it. not a surprise at all lol

are you still salty you were the first whose kindergarten-level scam i exposed when i joined this forum?

did you get it from a DISTROBUTOR? :joy: you sure have a big mouth for someone who’s too stupid to spell.

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If you’re working with a huge lab they should know what prices are or they wouldn’t be a huge lab.

I told you what I was paying and you told me you could at best match the price and it wasn’t even a very competitve price at all lol

And that was on only 20 lbs of bho. And then on top of that you only wanted to ship it

Then you told me 650/ for hd9 was “superrr cheap” and that’s the box ticket. I’m paying less than that on 5

Then you showed me deps for 850-1000 that look like $300 bags

Then you offered me trim for $125 a lb ??


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: hmmmm