New search bar on the front page. Woot! Comments welcome.
If you decide the search bar is not for you, feel free to visit your Preferences>Interface and change the theme.
Keyword for Search-ability: REMOVE SEARCH BAR
It’s a little big, but it doesn’t bother me since I can turn it off. Nice deterrent for spoon requests by newbies though
I like it. Hopefully that’s not ignored as much as the slanger threads.
Looks good Boss!
Looks good, I like it & think it will encourage alot of users to search before they make a new thread which should make some of our seasoned vets like @cyclopath enjoy their time on the site more.
The only thing that I could criticize about it is that it adds a bunch of white space to the top of the page making ppl have to scroll more but if they dont liek it they can turn it off lol
Good Work!
I love it! Thank you @sidco
When I read “welcome to our community” I thought I had been kicked out and was standing outside in the cold again haha
Paranoia will destroy ya
Best surprise of the day! Thanks @sidco!
Lay off the Nevada boys cooking sherry and the paranoia will subside
to offset any potential upset, this is in no way an accusation of you. I’m only making a joke
Seach Bar missing from front page
Can you post a screenshot so we can see what you are seeing?
Thank you. Search bar added back to default theme. Reminder you can chose a non search bar theme in the same color if you so wish.