Hi all,
I own and operate a JEOL SEM and all equipment necessary to image marijuana samples (flower, leaf, stem etc.) down to about 10 nanometer resolution. Generated images are about 35mb hi res Tif files or smaller jpegs with or without scale bar. These images are in black and white and you can have as is, I can add color with photoshop or you can do it yourself. Search for “Marijuana SEM” in google to get an idea, looks like theres maybe only one other guy doing it. I hope the micro scale morphology can provide useful information to your growing operation (trichome size, shape etc), or if not, at least some cool marketing material. My latest project has been with a mycology lab imaging some of their unique cubensis strains. It has been a fun project with amazing results. I do charge a negotiable fee, typically for 10 images, mostly as sample prep can take many hours if not days, and uses harsh chemicals, osmium tetroxide for example. A very sample would be required but we are talking a small leaf or flower sections 10 millimeters in size. I am located in central valley CA, (despite what user name says), I don’t know if this helps or hurts the situation… Anyway If there is any interest please PM me. Thanks!