Scammed by a CBD Seller

thats a blog post

not a study

and its written by someone who sells cannabis


Did you eve read it :roll_eyes::laughing:


it refences a patent. i can patent HHC for use to increase dick size. doesnt mean it works

also, still not a study of HHC in vivo againt human cancers

and the study referenced in the patent is the same as the one posted above, which dicusses HHC analogs, not HHC

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It references a study done a mice.

You are just here to troll :smiling_imp: anyway

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no, im here to correct the rampant misinformation i see posted here, like you are doing now

I said there is no study of HHC in humans
you hand me a blog post that references a patent that references a study of similar compounds in mice, and i am a troll for correcting you for not actually reading what you are linking? lol

You are all over place with your rants pick a lane bro

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maybe work on your reading comprehension and you will get what im trying to express

i know im asking a lot out of someone from TN

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If you wanna keep an idiot occupied flip this piece of paper over.

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We were apart of that. If you didn’t go you missed out :rofl: shit was wild


Every medicinal anything consumed by humans had to be consumed by someone first. Everything started somewhere, and most medicines in human history have not come from clinical trials or big pharma.

Having run a pediatric and adult medical cannabis program for a number of years, I can, anecdotally, attest to the efficacy of many cannabinoids for providing therapeutic relief from a myriad of symptoms. While I cannot attest to the efficacy of HHC, I can say that there is potential for helping many things, but how many things and to what extent, I cannot say. Only way to know is for people to try it.

Not saying you have to agree; just suggesting an alternative perspective.


fair, but the way to try it isnt to just hand some to one kid and hope for the best

a controlled double blind study is how to find out

one person you will learn absolutely nothing

i have 0 qualms with using cannabinoids for cancer treatment. My issue stems soly from a high up in this site giving advice to give a child an untested cannabinoid of questionable purity. (not a dig at the people making it, rather the lack of standards)

some of the same people arguing with me about it here are also in the other threads discussing the lack of testing (or even proper naming) of the compound rougelab suggested would be good for a sick child🤦‍♂️

You contradict yourself with this statement.

Then why did you go off? The topic was specific.

You do understand you’re being a hypocrite but are trying to construct some form of reason for it, applying off topic subject matter.

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sorry it should have read “non bathtub made cannabinoid with 0 history of human use”

Edited for you. At this point it’s about quality of life for that poor kid…

If the parent gives him/her hhc and that provides any sort of relief for the kid, good on them.

And fuck you for thinking you should even comment on something like this. You haven’t been in those parents shoes.


how does sick and dying mean “lets give untested chemicals of unknown purity to kids”

have you not seen the other threads talking about that nobody has a CRM for HHC?

give the kid THC not bathtub made bullshit

what the everloving fuck is wrong with you people

nobody knows what the actual chemical compounds are in most samples being sold as HHC. dont give it to kids you fucking morons

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Let’s see

Week old account :white_check_mark:
Goatse avatar :white_check_mark:
Concern trolling :white_check_mark:

Looks like we got ourselves a good ol’ fashioned troll

Yes, drugs should not be given to children under normal circumstances. Palliative care is not normal circumstances


ad hominem much? i have been on this forum for years. this is just my first account

Sure it is bud

Thanks for not using one man one jar at least

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That photo was moments before insertion

Meanwhile at rougelab’s lab…