Salvia divinorum

Should be legal :v:t2:

Back to the original thread


Well I’m certainly glad you are ok after that.

I used to use wood stove pellets with peroxide cultivation and powdered milk as a nitrogen source for psilocybes. I’ve never had a “bad” trip, just difficult ones. I had a batch of B+ or Puerto Rican cubensis that were very aggressive and would consume any contamination before going outdoors in beds with azurescens.

I grew a couple cubensis batches indoors with hardwood stove pellets and got the worst brain zaps and amnesia for a day afterwards. I’m still convinced its the wood growing medium that did it.

Sorry for the derail. Isn’t there a cold quick wash salvia divinorum extraction guide I remember from back in the day?


First and only time ever doing was when i ran a head shop and a slow day made me rip a 40x in a graffix, low and behold a min later 2 assholes wanted to rent a postal scale and where quite cocky and shitty about it. Im whomping like in a drum and a few well placed insults by me about how i hoped his sweet 16 present started so he could drive him and his boyfriend outta here didn’t go over well. He did though go out the window quite easily


All psychedelics should be legal IMO

CA was going to legalize all drugs except meth, heroin, and cocaine but it didn’t pass



Adderall gave me visions of war in nightmares as a child and I’ve never seen war in my life

LSD allowed me to experience actual freedom and unfettered un-obliviousness. Life was experienced as if it wasn’t tainted yet and it’s beauty at its finest.


LSD is what people who forget what actual life without the bullshit of the life around you is like.


Salvia was the single most intense “psychedelic” experience I’ve had thus far, I’ve smoked it a few times, in different concentrations, the worst by far was some 160x stuff, you may remember those little purple pop top containers they used to sell in head shops and what not.

Anyways I was chilling with my friend, this was back in highschool in Vegas, and we were bored, smoking some mids weed. My friend busted out that little purple container and asked if I wanted to try it, being bored and adventurous I said yes, loaded a hit onto a bowl of flower and lit the bong.

That 160x put me in another dimension, upon hitting it, my frame of view split into four different views, imagine like playing split screen on Xbox, and every different frame of view my buddy who was sitting next to me on the couch was doing something else. It Was insane, even today nothing matches that 160x in intensity, I thought I was going to die, and I was terrified. I came back to reality after about 5 minutes.

That initial “split” in realities or frame of view or whatever you Wana call it still sticks with me, it’s burned into my brain forsure.

Respect saliva that shit is wild AF, will never do it again, but glad I got to try it.

I tried some of the lesser extracts, like the 20x and whatnot before this experience, and they weren’t even remotely as intense as that 160x


Hmm :face_with_monocle:


Salvia is an incredibly interesting and unique drug.
@Dukejohnson story reminds me of when my friend also smoked a large dose of some 100x.
He put down the pipe said something like “whoa” and just collapsed on the table head first (he’s 6’9"). He hit his head hard. He literally just dropped like a sack of potatoes, crazy. He didn’t know what happened when he came back. Careful with the extracts


Or at least have a mission…if you don’t know what the question is, making sense of the answer becomes much more complicated.


Swim wants to develop a gum.

Problem is leaf is hard to find and the plants are horribly finicky.

Gotta order some starter plants and hope they live


Also - the last time I did salvia I laughed and laughed and laughed…until I thought I pissed my pants. I didn’t. But you fucking couldn’t tell me different, I was 100% sure in a very well lit room that I had pissed my pants when I clearly had not. THE REST OF THAT FUCKING TRIP I SWORE I PISSED MY PANTS. 3/10 two thumbs down worst visionquest ever.

I think I was like 18 when this happend? Or last week in the McDonald’s parking lot. I forgot. Either or.


If u wanna have the worst trip ur life in 3-5min complete terror. I tried 2x the 60x extract, guy at head shop giggled and said it’ll make the walls crawl hehe…fuck no made me wanna die

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Yeah the real natives behind Salvia say smoking it is not the way the proper way is chewing the leaves

Probably why I wanted to die

You realize Erik is the guy who made the driving/gardening on salvia videos?


First time me and my buddy tried it I hit it in the car to see if its was ok to use when driving. ( i wasn’t driving). I also got stuck in some sort of multi colored wall. I was yelling don’t hit it dont hit it to my buddy in the drivers seat lol.

Btw this was 20 years ago. Its kinda fun but the appeal wears off quickly.


Tried it once with a “friend” who bought some and didn’t want to try alone. Tasted like some bammer weed, I almost beat him up. He was acting hella stupid and started to trip me out. He kept laughing all crazy and rocked back n forth and I was like “chill the fuck out we smoked the same shit”. I think he killed my high.


I had similar experiences but I didn’t conceptualize them as “negative”. In the strongest case I felt my body completely disassemble into a hive mind of little tiny machines and they moved me all about without feeling like my mind was in control at all.

Unlike DMT it has no “euphoric” aspect, so every time something crazy happens you just notice how crazy it is instead of thinking “this is divine!”

It has the unique property of distorting your body image… I suppose it must act on unique brain circuits that govern proprioception.