Running passive without dry ice

Lol depends on what your thinking and how many $$ bills I’ll have to spend doing it.

I need to order a couple filters as well so lmk :wink:

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We have a customer who asked to change the cold trap to a serpentine condenser. He may thought that it not only will have the function of cooling the vapor to water and can extend the vapor cooling time.

Will get the feedback from him days after.

Besides, we also supply filters, such as centrifuge filter, lenticular filter, vacuum filter and so on. If you are interested in the effect of replacing the cold trap to condenser and our filters, you can contact me.


So just wanted to update everyone that my highly scientific super duper secret hypothesis worked. Pumps are a scam. This isobutane is moving just a tad bit slower than it was on dry ice. I just saved like 8 mil. Boom baby.


Use a chest freezer frozen solid. No buying ice.


Should work without dry ice, if you don’t care about fats and shit and if your doing Crc fuck it, I would place a coil between collection column and recovery port inside a bucket with bunch of ice and acetone will get you to about -10c, try finding a bucket that won’t get fucked up by acetone. Same thing between injection line and collection vessel. Fuck it! :man_shrugging:t2:

Maybe throw a pneumatic haskel pump right after recovery coil to recor faster. But then you’ll need a decent air compressor…:man_shrugging:t2:

How long is it taking lol

pump AFTER the coil? You’d want it before the coil…

Used the word “after” wrong, maybe shoulda used “next to” lol but you know what I mean!

Cool you can send my @Killa12345 filter plate to my Po box :rofl:

lol i didnt use your method though 8==D~~<3

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How long did recovery take you?

For the record i used to recover using a double coil in a bucketof tap water that was contantly flowing from the tap. Never cooled my tank. My boy still runs this way. .5lb a min that way (on a trs21)


a simple chest freezer from Home Depot works… I remove the lid. made a 2x4 collar and attach it to the chest and then re attach the lid on top of the 2x4 frame and then drill holes in the side of the 2x4 wood collar so that you can run your lines through it. my Chest freezer gets down to -20. that’s how I started. and ran two tanks one to get your head pressure and then a second one to do the majority of your recovery… if you really want to get crazy you can get a third tank to drain into and fill while your first two recovery tanks start to raise in pressure. and just use one tank to keep dry ice in… i now have a Bizzy and run 2-3 rack mounted columns with LCo2 but I still keep an auxiliary tank in the freezer to drain my solvent into as my pressures start to raise in my rack mounted recovery columns.

I also caulk around the collar where it attaches to the frame and around the seems of the 2x4 frame so that it doesn’t create condensation on the inside of the freezer. my tank pretty much stays in a vacuum and if you do ever pull the tank out of the freezer for whatever reason the entire tank will be frosttyyy


Could get this a colder by hacking the freezer with a digital controller like ink bird? I haven’t ordered mine yet but read someone else who managed -50 this way. I assume it will wear out the compressor much faster.


yeah most definitely. I think you would save a lot of money replacing the oppressor or just the freezer instead of having to buy dry ice all the time. I put one of those controllers of mine but that freezer was made into a keezer. still made the collar but used it for cold brew coffee, kombucha, carbonating water (topo Chico) and making beer occasionally but the beer was more for fun and friends since I hardly drink… I threw some taps on the outside of that one…

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Is your head pressure tank in the freezer with n2 hooked up as an injection tank?

Im a bit confused how you run 3 tanks and why.

My head pressure column just varies on run but I can make my head pressure column which ever one I’d like. I can also throw n2 on both column and the tank in the freezer for moving solvent around to where I’d like it to go. Now the reason I use three tanks is because once my pressure start to rise in my solvent columns I’ll drain my solvent into the tank in the freezer (doesn’t have to be in the freezer, could be on dry ice in a bucket) to keep my pressure lowers in my two main recovery solvent columns on the rack. The tank is always hooked up to the bottom of the solvent columns with a manifold. Also, if I decide I want to run two material columns at once I can keep extra solvent in my tank to fill up another solvent column so I can do two at once. But I don’t do much of that anymore. Now I just leave a little bit of solvent in that tank so I can top off my solvent column as needed for my second run until I can recover my B pot a run or two in… if any of that makes sense lol

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You guys think it’s doable to actively recover butane/propane 70/30 with regular ice?

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