Running cured vs live in 2022

Who runs cured?
Who runs live?
With prices being as low as they are these days and crc bending the bho market over is it even worth the extra work?

I’ve always ran cured. Mainly because that’s what was coming in on splits.
Now that I’m growing my own, it has me thinking should I do live or cured runs?

I’m also not going to lie, I’m borderline over making diamonds also.
I have liters of htfse that are going on 3 years old. I’ve been giving them away lol.
Batter and shatter will be what I make from here on out. If I want diamonds I’ll get some cheap pentane re x and put my own terps on them it ends up being way cheaper then making them outta fire.

What do you guys think?


I run both, dry/cured fresh froze.
Leaning more towards just fresh froze @ $20/lb why not?

I started with shatter and can manufacture any thc/a BHO based product. Since I started manufacturing I have yet to stop making shatter. I remember people saying bad things about shatter(popularity wise) but I’ve always been able to make sellable shatter. I lean towards liking the live resin HTE and ReX Diamonds more but, shatter, badder and live sugars is what I make most. I’m starting to get more orders for pen ready oil as well so I guess vaping is coming back.

But yeah, I totally agree with you on the diamonds and HTE. Lately I’ve been just separating the thca from the terps and just re blending as I see fit for (x) product. I also love making my self “liquid diamond live resin carts”. But yeah man, source material is damn cheap right now I don’t see how
More people aren’t just running fresh froze and saving money on buying crc media’s. Not to
Mention the “Medusa” problem. Just best to ReX.


Where are you finding it for that price?! Must not be indoor


Cali has those prices all day and cured you can get for basically free. Fuck diamonds they’re kewl and all, but I’ll never go out of my way to smoke it plus it tastes like shit imo. Wanna talk about a fad @standardoil (:gem::gem::gem::gem::gem::gem:)… I’m happy running CURED non crcd shit for myself… and for the masses who love white shit that all looks and tastes the same I’ll give the people what they want. Plus no one wants to pay what it’s worth in time to make diamonds cuz everyone is a jew. :cut_of_meat::cut_of_meat::cut_of_meat::cut_of_meat::banana::banana::banana::banana::mushroom::mushroom::mushroom::kissing_heart::icecream::star_of_david: Penis king ouuuut.



Depends on who you go to but ya some people will let it go for that for sure.

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Wtf man. I need a link to this source(s)

I agree with the cured non crc for myself. What I’ve been doing

Unpopular opinion: the flavor on some genetics extracts better with cured material instead of live.


I agree

I pretty much fuck with dry cured only. Fuck fresh.

Almost never get a diamond request.

I can’t believe you guys are running at $25/lb. I get $125/lb

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I make everything, it all sells.
Shatter sells the most as it’s cheap and the customers like cheap. Same with crumble.
Live resin and diamonds sell fast, but certain strains sell out really fast.
Any material that doesn’t make those goes to crude, because distillate sells fast, and it goes in the edibles.
Fortunately I stay plenty busy without processing for people 3rd party.

Everything surrounding live/f.f. material work is a nightmare for me: shipping/receiving, biomass preperation and disposal, equipment running ultra low and maintaining the temps.

The addition of so many points of failure doesn’t make sense to me to have the outcome of f.f. anything.
Just from a working/logistics perspective fresh cured material is better than f.f.

Where I once worked every task was delegated to another department due to throughput demands(it wasnt my circus). By the time I’d receive packed socks and be shoving them into material columns it has thawed out once(at least) been re frozen, beaten apart to sock it and then borderline thawed once again to be extracted. We had a team of people socking material in a -40⁰C walk in freezer and my heart goes out to them…

And the spent biomass from f.f. was such a mess, thawing out dripping gross liquid and sitting in destruction waiting to be taken away where it would mold up pretty heavy with cobweb mold/grey mold/aspergillus and become a point of contamination and a health hazard. Anyone else experience farmers lung?

I’ve for sure seen some really nice f.f. output but I’ve also seen some really good cured output that doesn’t need any crc. I’ve also had to crc f.f. before too to polish it up a little.
I also like how cured dumps. At the aforementioned circus I worked at our f.f. yeilds hovered around 5% and with cured I’ve seen 30%. So from a working perspective I could run 6 million g f.f. input to achieve 300kg output or 1 mil g. cured and achieve the same outcome.

I suppose it all depends on what your target is but if I had to choose I would never run f.f. ever again.


FF for the terps. Cured for volume of THCa.

FF diamonds = Cured Diamonds = FF Diamonds once they are all dried up…

The HTE is the only difference, and only reason to extract FF.

Otherwise the metrics from Cured flower make sense all day, versus wet flower.


Ff hte kills cured hte. We are at a weird space cause it’s way cheaper to make diamonds and thca with boof trim. But then you need hte from the live but to do that you end up with a bunch of live thca that’s way more expensive then the dry like 10x as expensive.

This is the delema we have been in. We watched our biggest competitor flop because they were left sitting on hundreds of liters of trim hte that no one wants. All their margin was tied up in the hte.