Running a high purity pass

I ran this medicine three weeks prior to this shot and stopped at two passes. Clarity was good. The inevitable degredation from clear into red obviously occured. This happens because I had it in and out of vacuum many times to dab. This is normal on high purity compound to degrade like this when exposed to atmosphere. The solution is simply to run the compound again. The red/orange compound(s?) that THC degrades into have a higher boiling point than D9 THC and dialing in a low temperature and ensuring NO overshoot at all on temperature (126° C nominal for high purity at ¾ of one micron pressure) produces an isolate on the third pass through that approaches absolute purity.

This is the older refined compound that was refined clear and pale yellow and aged as is typical. Loaded into the sublimator it appears very dark as a glob.

Here it is now up to temperature and at target pressure beginning an hour or so of refinement.

Notice how much lighter the compound looks as a puddle. To my eyes this stuff always seems to lighten up under heat but that is pure anecdote. Still though it sure seems like heat and vacuum change the color in a way I am at a loss for an explanation. Look at how the color has changed in the photo above compared to below. Photo above represents a somewhat cooler puddle just beginning to “boil”. Photo below shows puddle after a thick layer of D9 THC has deposited on the cold finger. I have seen this many times and am at a loss why the color shifts under these conditions.

This now is the finished compound below run through a third pass of the sublimator but just one pass to refine out the red degredation product. This is very pure stuff at this point because this was taken just seconds out of the vacuum of the process. The ice has just been dumped and it needs a bit of time to thaw. So at the time of this photo below the compound is near absolute purity… and the clock is ticking lol…:clock530::wink:

Halfway peeled off the cold finger it is very clear when shot from this angle. Top shelf stuff but with a real knack for getting red if exposed to atmosphere very long (measured in minutes, not hours).