RSO Made with bho machine

I was trying to be polite.

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@moronnabis thanks for the crumb on protic vs aprotic…didn’t know about that differentiation within polar molecules.

That said, my Googling skills didn’t help me understand what you meant by:

What does HMM reference in that sentence? Thanks in advance for any additional insight :pray:

My preference would be to utilize my hydrocarbon CLS to make FECO and call it a day.

However, if there is any truth to hydrocarbon FECO having less efficacy via oral consumption compared to ethanol FECO, then I’ll add a small batch ethanol setup and keep for the CLS for smokables and THCA production.

Does anyone have crumbs to share on potential differences via oral consumption and/or benefits that any of the water soluble contents may provide?

I doubt there’s anything reliable. I’ve been making RSO out of BHO for quite a while. Nothing but good feedback and even helped put a few cancers into remission. Our branded RSO is #1 in our market. In either case, the vast majority of both types (ETOH RSO and BHO RSO) are made up the same things. At this point I think that’s the best one can do without Identification of EVERY SINGLE MOLECULE in each and intense double blind clinical studies of both. If I were you, I’d run with BHO->RSO.


Just hmm…like “let us think about that”…but more of a sardonic aside. Think of a matrix of water/ethanol ratios and all permutations as you vary pH from 1 to 12.
Moreover, and to make things easier, think water methanol pH matrix and all LLE partitions to alkane.
When you think of it…where did anyone on 4200 get the idea you don’t want water. Ethanol-water, It is all polar protic. Hmm…
Or indeed, what is it about a tricky-little, Cannabinoic acid molecule that make it soluble in NonPolar-aprotic and Polar-aprotic and Polar-protic. (???).

@TheWillBilly mentions some aspects of having explored the water-ethanol matrix a bit…in one of his latest patents.
Worth reading.


If you understand your CLS, you can use it with ethanol…


@Dannywarbucks I appreciate your feedback and insight. Definitely helpful to hear that you have put this into practice and that customers have responded positively.

Sounds like you labeled it as RSO and not FECO, correct?

In my state, we have to list the solvent used for extraction…is that the same for you? If so, have you encountered any pushback/confusion over customers seeing butane vs ethanol on the label?

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@moronnabis I appreciate the follow up

:man_facepalming: to the time I wasted trying to find a scientific connection for “HMM” lol

I am definitely intrigued by water-ethanol ratios. Not sure how to identify/find the patent you mentioned…any chance you could share a link?

He didn’t get sued because he was a underground asshole who scammed hella people in Canada. Everyone around here hates him, as he used to pass out toxic naptha extract to people and everyone out here for sick. He was talked about like a savior but he offered more human pain with his “medicine” than any relief. Not one cannabis product that he made cured anything. It was just lies and rumors. Rick Simpson is and was always a hack. Only people outside of our Canadian community think he did something fmgood. In reality he taught a lot of nobodies who didn’t care about the quality of medicine to continue to make and distribute garbage product and tell people it’s a cure for their ailments. Rick Simpson caused people gut failure in some cases that had to be hospitalized.


Yes, we call it RSO not FECO. We don’t have to disclose the extraction solvent used, but it’s not something we make an effort to hide. Our RSO is somewhat unique because it is strain specific and we decarb it in a closed vessel free of oxygen and under pressure to retain terps and other volatiles that contribute to the uniqueness of the strain it was extracted from. It actually tastes pretty good if you dab it at low temps, which isn’t something you can say about all RSO.

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@cyclopath thanks for bringing that up again!

I saw you mention that earlier in the thread and was going to poke you on that eventually haha

Love this idea but I definitely do not know my machine well enough yet…still a few months before I can even turn it on but will definitely circle back on this idea once I get her going

Gotcha, thanks for the insight.

And yeah, I definitely don’t want to hide the solvent but find myself wondering if listing butane is going to cause any pushback…but leaning towards pulling the trigger on this so guess we’ll find out haha

When you do runs for the RSO, do you run any warmer than usual?

Nope, we extract just about everything at or around -40

-40…now that is an interesting number…like RSO…
Sort of like being a heretic if you ask too many questions questions…

Well…”heads up” on that one.

@Mapleleafsmoker , I think your historical perspective is important.

However, in the “normal medical field”, there is the phenomenon where “chemo-patients” die on the first dose.
The purpose of chemo is to poison and kill cancer cells which are as much human as human can get. So complaining about toxic brews may be mute.

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I don’t think I’m picking up what you’re laying down.

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@moronnabis being cryptic?! grabs popcorn

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Why are we still talking about RSO?

Well how do you know whether -40 is any better than +20 when it comes to extracting TOXIC BREWS from cannabis.

It is like Hollywood Science….-40….OK…its your playing field by de facto definition…Ole Rick must. Be turning in his grave.


After the edit, I get what you are saying. “Who cares how good the poison extract is… ITS POISON.” I agree completely, however in conversation about treating cancer with use of poisons, like in the case of chemotherapy… those poisons are carefully researched at designed to target specific groups of cells. Patients are carefully monitored by an oncologist and medical staff. RSO is like buying rat poison from the hardware store and rubbing it on your skin cancer.

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Rat poison…HMMM…interesting subject.
Millions of people take Warfarin every day…