Do I want my cold trap in between my vacuum regulator and my vac pump on my rotovape?
Cold trap or your condenser? Pics?
Rotovap-cold trap-vacuum pump
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trying to figure out both wherre to put my chiller and if this is where this vacuum line gos on my cold trap
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Condenser has 3 ports
Left water out
Middle vac
Right water in
Am I coming off the gauge correctly to the condenser
Do u have the user manual ?
Do you have enough tubing?
You have a two port manifold, the one you have the tubing on now, should connect to the glass somewhere that there isn’t a connection to the glass coil. Those red “gl” connections should always have the o-ring inside of them and connect to the glass coil at two spots. Top should be coldest so that’s your chiller line in and the bottom should go out to your chiller’s inlet.
Working on vacuum at the moment this where I’m at I feel I’m ready to pull vac
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May 18, 2019, 7:32pm
Looks like you’re a pro. What brand the cold trap?
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Ya I agree it’s way overkill I just figured it would be better than nothing for the vac pump
May 18, 2019, 8:25pm
Like I said, you’re on your way!
Nice setup! can you put the cold trap on the table next to the pump?
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it’s a beast won’t fit on the table are you suggesting that to shorten the length of the lines?
should I be pulling more vac than this here to run my rotovape?
May 19, 2019, 11:05pm
They didn’t answer cause they jelly. That lab is sick. I wish I could confirm for you but I think this dude runs a tight ship.
Depends on what youre evaporating! If youre that hot u will probably rip solvent through your vac and not know it other than that buzzed feeling from huffing fumes! Youre using back pressure (hot water bath) along with negative pressure (vac) to move solvent up just high enough to leave your oil and be recondensed by your chiller (without flying past your chiller)
My chiller is set to -10 c and operates at 3 c without dry ice and -3 with dry ice (see posts above about inline dry ice coil)
My water bath starts out at 23 c when im dealing with ethanol and once my flask is very thick with oil i work my way up to as high as 60 c.
My vac gets all the way down to -750 mm hg or -29 in hg or -1 kpa.
My rotation is a little sketch when flask is heavy so I keep an eye on everything frequently.
Make sure u have a valve tee’d into your vac hose so u can go in and out of vac manually if needed.
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