Rotovap/ETOH ~ Cannabis oil turned golden clear to cloudy gold after removal of ethanol.

like the title says my cannabis oil turned golden clear to cloudy gold after removal of ethanol. Does this mean water somehow got into my system or is the purity of my ethanol lacking and maybe its time for a new batch? Any ideas?

Has it been winterized? It could be waxes. Has it been decarbed? It could be crystal formation. Pics or a further explanation of steps may help.

Prob water


Is its waxes you wouldnt really know til it cooled. My guess is you didnt go hot enough to remove all the water that in your solvent

Winterized better and turn up heat on rotovap

Got a picture? A cloudy/milky color is often water.


Hello, thanks for your reply! I used diatomaceous earth and carbon to remove what I could of waxes and what not. I finished removing the remaining ethanol on a heated magnetic stir plate but stopped at that point so I don’t think it had a chance to decarb as the heat was around 170f. Here is a picture for reference.

Here is a photo sorry for the wait.

I had my heat set to 60c should I go up more and if so how much more?

If I did indeed get water in the oil, its still okay to use for personal use right? I haven’t noticed any popping or issue with the vapor.

I’d go 70c then work my way up. You need to decarbed it at 250F

Do you rehabilitate your ethanol? (mol sieve)
What proof was it when you started? What proof is it now?
What was and is now the pH?
How did you winterize it?

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It should come out in the decarb. Another trick is to flush the oil in the roto with 200 proof and let the azeotrope do the work. You can remove 50ml of water with 1l of 200 proof.


That is 100% water

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Thank you everyone for your help!