Rosin pressing mushrooms

using fresh, or only partially dried starting material is the only way this can possibly work…

…and it should, given that our target is soluble in water (based on many successful cyanecens and cubensis teas), however the extract thus obtained may have a very short half life.

because you’re pulling from multiple cellular compartments and the enzymology/chemistry to degrade the target exists within that milieu…

pretty sure someone has posted data here to that effect. not gonna go find it.

if you’re after “fresh squeezed” I’d add orange juice and use your oster and the right sized canning jar.

shit, load your espresso machine up with OJ, and the cup with ground dried biomass.

if you’ve never tried warm OJ, I suggest you microwave some next time you’ve got the sniffles. puts lemon/honey to shame big time…