Rosin pressing mushrooms

I’d have a lot better luck if I was the got’d damn Lock Ness monster, I’ll tell you that right now.

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No problem dude, good luck on your quest. I’m just being fussy. I’m in a transitional phase, and I’m feeling it.


I appreciate that very much bro :slight_smile: Just doing what I can to help push things further however I can


Boofin’s Boofin’.


Did someone say boofing?

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using fresh, or only partially dried starting material is the only way this can possibly work…

…and it should, given that our target is soluble in water (based on many successful cyanecens and cubensis teas), however the extract thus obtained may have a very short half life.

because you’re pulling from multiple cellular compartments and the enzymology/chemistry to degrade the target exists within that milieu…

pretty sure someone has posted data here to that effect. not gonna go find it.

if you’re after “fresh squeezed” I’d add orange juice and use your oster and the right sized canning jar.

shit, load your espresso machine up with OJ, and the cup with ground dried biomass.

if you’ve never tried warm OJ, I suggest you microwave some next time you’ve got the sniffles. puts lemon/honey to shame big time…


everything but butt stuff, unless I’m really REALLY…

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Oh man I knew I heard the word boof

lemme grab my capsule stash. High and dry, what about you?

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my ass hurts :drooling_face:

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On another note, this may be a good way to preserve your compounds long term and lessen storage space. Ground mushrooms will degrade fairly quickly, so maybe just smashing them into chips (no heat on the press) might get u a whole lb in what would have only fit 2 oz.
Dry to 20% rh so theres still alittle bit of a squishiness to it, then press it into chips, dry those chips down to 0-5% rh, then vac seal with silica beads.
Extra points if u get them actually chip shaped and throw some maltodextrin/flavoring mix on them


The vitamin c from orange juice is :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



yeah, that sounds like something with a reasonable expectation on success.

Not to discourage anyone wishing to attempt squeezing alkaloids from sclerotia…


Hehe sclerotia.

But, yeah, not to just drop a bomb and act like a goober.

Soak your fungal fruits in citric acid, regardless of source, then brew a tea, you’ll get better results kids.

And that’s what it’s all about. :rainbow:

But seriously, I need that five bucks


maybe fresh mushrooms would work, than you could put that liquid into the freeze dryer? If going dry you could make a tea first than after filtering put it in the freeze dryer ? Not sure ive seen this yet


One squish
Two squish
Red squish
Blue squish!!

Any bets on percent extraction efficiency from fresh specimens?

and bets on half life of “blue squish”?

Suggestions for halting degradation?!?

recall now that the suggestion of “built in degradation” came from the data showing lyophilization was NOT the best approach… New Mushroom Lab in Oregon - #53 by TheLastHashbender


My suggestion, less heat my dude, the compounds you’re targeting don’t like heat.

Why old fungus doesn’t lead to good chungus.

I’d suggest leaning more on pressure than heat, and ever so slightly soak with a water/citric acid solution. Temperature rangea and percentage loss is in the chart down low, scan it over, then consider the temperature ranges of your plates. Then, I can send you my cash app :rofl:


I think this is where we get spoiled working with cannabis. With some of the active yields etc it’s unlike any other plant or compounds you could be working with. And then on the other hand mushrooms are basically water soluble.

But I think we are looking at a basic scale issue here. If mushrooms are say 1% dry weight active material your going to need a whole fuck load of feedstock to make it even close to efficient. 10g in - 100mg out is just going to be hard to collect and all that.

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How many times and in how many threads must I say “anything Aqueous is a big no no”?

pleeeease stop suggesting water for psilocybes

All of my lowest testing samples were aqueous extractions. It degrades fast. Even faster when Aqueous and applying heat

It leads to people only talking about lemon Tek on extraction panels :man_facepalming:t2:


TBO this is what came to my mind , after reading the title.
Technically, its still concentrating the goods…

Just need die plates to match the press plates size.

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My mind went to the same thing, surface printed designs for pressing mushies into 3.5g chunks.
Just weight out 3.5g, put it in the mold and wallah a mario shaped mushroom that weighs 3.5g every mario