Rosin press machine for sale

Description: double sided heating, 5 tons high pressure
Current location of item:
Estimated lead time: 7 Days
Fulfillment: Direct from seller
User support / Warranty: 1 year

Message me for price, thanks!

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Asking price

LOL, then OP posts a picture?

Cuz I already sent the price to Morfee directly…

I sent the price to you directly, please check.

Oh no worries, just thought from everyone else’s perspective it was funny what we saw.

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Well…need to post something related on the post. So we can see the product. lol :rofl:

I can send the price to you too if you need. :joy:


please post the price & the location, or the post will be flagged as spam for not following the template.

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LA warehouse location: Ontario CA 91761 USA
DM me for price

