Rosin press go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Hemp rosin?


My experience was it likes to come out runny but I was running some stuff that reeked like eucalyptus so it could’ve just been that variety at my 165f/167f ended up too runny to scrape.


How’s the feeling? I had some cherry wine dabs from raw garden and it was definitely a head rush. I think that stuff tested around 6% THC (bought in a Cali dispo)


I only took a few dabs of it as I’m not big into dabbing CBD and we were processing it for someone’s girlfriend who has CHS so she can’t smoke THC. Was very smooth but eucalyptus isn’t a flavor I was crazy for, effects I honestly couldn’t say as I smoke too much THC :sweat_smile:


Your girl’s CHS doesn’t respond to CBD? Interesting.
Thanks for the review. Probably won’t go out of my way until I find something worth while. Can’t smoke anyway rn, was jw


Not mine but yeah she could smoke reasonable amounts of CBD. Lots of high potency hemp or if she smoked a bowl or two of thc flower she’d be down a day or two minimum.

A client of mine has tried to start making rosin w bubble hash but it come back to dark…he’s heating to 185f pressing for 2min and it’s so low on the psi gauge it won’t even read it

If you get 10% off bho run is 5%=rosin even decent. The problem was the color wasn’t right but it’s 6 month old buds and 8 month old trim…he has so much of it more trim is already coming in and he hasn’t got through the first 100lbs flower and 800lbs trim.


you’re not gonna get good ice hash with material that wasn’t stored right


Would dry ice sift be better…he said bubble has cam.out best color so far

Said some the lower micron Ice water hash was lighter

Also do water not darken the heads. Seems like pressing dry sift through small ass micron bag would be the best



What’s the secret to so light, pressing buds that our FF live and taking the plants w all cloudy and clear trichs


FRESH with the correct TEMPS and right squishing pressure


Wish I had something to tell him bc I did remind him that even light oil when decarb gets dark. I hope he isn’t making dark by going to 180f


Iv experimented with the Mexican brick before, dont ask… long story short, blond as fuck… but still smelled like hay and tasted like shitty ditch weed… could not give it away… but it looked fire


160°F, very low pressure,guage barely loves, about 3 minutes, usually get rest results at about 85% cannabinoids and 8-12% terps!! @keeef907 fresh frozen live!!


It seems like he’s got the pressing process down as that’s par for the course the issue is that you can pretty much assume most if not all dry material is going to come out dark if it’s trim and with the nug the longer it’s stored the more of a chance it’ll be darker since it’s a larger chance that there will be pulvarized plant material that’ll slip even super fine bags. It’s very rare that i’ll pull light rosin even from fire non-hella fresh dry material - could be a lack of technique on my end but i’ve got a few jars actually from a friend’s 9lb Hammer that tastes great but is super dark. If he’s really focusing on keeping a light color profile it’s gotta be fresh frozen to be honest, I never could maintain a consistent ‘nice’ color without. Keeping a close eye on the trichs with a microscope about 2 weeks before scheduled cut time helps a lot too

Not normally. You still have a lot of oxidization that’ll go on which will darken things up a lot - the best luck I’ve actually had on dry sift rosin was sift I used after running it through a Trimminator tabletop model and hitting the trim from that in a 220 micron bubble bag to keep the riff raff out since it didn’t have much time from curing bin to the trimming machine to break down and make shit dark - It came out excellent and had awesome terps but as someone who tried to make fresh, old and ever type of sift in between to ‘good’ rosin so I could skirt the cost of a freeze dryer - short of using a liquid nitro tumbler to sift you’re best off with making bubble for the level of tech we can get in our hands without taking out a loan


Dark , does not always mean bad just as light does not always mean good…

Sorry @SubstituteCreature I’m goin to spam your post.

Any intrest in this, its for sale.


Absolutely, just that they waited a bit for the trich heads to mature past their lightest possibility. If i’m not mistaken it’d be more potent also. He mentioned this was just something his client had wanted - personally I just wanted to learn to do it so I could say I could and have another skill locked.


How well does a unit like that work? And what’s the asking price?


It works as it is intended. I payed 5k for it, it has it’s own crate. It is fucking heavy AF and has to be shipped via carrier… Every time I pick it up I think to myself… " if I drop this on my buddies foot, I’m dead too" lol

Only thing I woul add is the air compressor FOOT PEDAL attachment… I think its 100 bones