Riverside Extractor

Hi, I am hiring an extractor to work in my Type 7 in Riverside, CA. We are an award-winning brand that has been around since the prop 215 era. We are looking for someone with BHO experience.

Qualifications and Requirements

  • Must be at least 21 years old
  • Strong work ethic and attention to detail
  • Organizational skills and precision
  • Ability to work as part of a team
  •   BHO lab experience

Please email me at doinks415@gmail.com to discuss further

Thank you!


Hmm I might be interested. I just checked out your account and I’m the most replied to person you’ve replied to apparently :joy: weird coincidence.

What’s the pay?


I’m interested as well.

Can you give a pay range for this job?

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LinkedIn and resume sent, I appreciate you reaching out!

Thanks everyone for your responses! Reaching out to you guys.

Still looking. Please email doinks415@gmail.com


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