ReXing THCa in pentane

2 day pentane crystallization


Shit looking clean AF!!! Awesome job!


That is ridiculous. Are you just creating supar saturation and boiling off the pentane in a safe environment.


Was this performed in steel?

no in a jar


yeah pretty much been dialing it in the last 2 weeks.


do the big chunks pass solvent residuals test or does it need to be broken down to pass

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i like to be at zero with my residuals so i purge the shit out of them lol and i go slower than most on the crash(i think) which is why mine are usually clear and not cloudy like the typical pentane diamonds. I havent ever done one that big i just wanted to see if i could lol i could of let it get bigger but i already have to break it to sell it :frowning: so i just took it out at day 8.

Ill try to purge and get a test sample off before i break it up, itā€™ll most likely be broken down to sell/testing so ill probably do that and purge just to make sure while im waiting on the testing to come back. I usually just go for 2-3 grammers so i can be done in a few days and i get those down under 100ppm no problem.


Your kiddingā€¦ 100ppmā€¦

Out of that insanly oversized boulder would be optimostic imoā€¦

But I donr have pentane matetials layin around, so Im speaking from Etoh sideā€¦:slight_smile:
Thank god its 5000ppm its what I like about it mostly:)

Any way seriously nice glaciers man in a great timeline, quartz over 9000:).

Fun fact :ā€œIts funny how my language calls quartz literally stoned lightning- literally :)))ā€

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everything youā€™ll need right here
those ā€œminute detailsā€



I wanna try this but now Iā€™m super freaked out about using pentane. One thing Iā€™m guessing is I do not wanna heat the pentane in the jar in my vac oven lol. Iā€™ve been searching ReXing with pentane and recrystalizationā€¦ maybe thereā€™s a better thread Iā€™m missing?

It wonā€™t create pressure like butane will if you warm it up. I just wouldnā€™t open it up at that temperature. Try heptane if you want to play around and are worried about BP/FP


I poured some pentane into a mason jar to keep it when I took the lid off it went boof and about scared the shit outta meā€¦no worse than jar butane doing the same thing though

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Canā€™t you grow pentane stones at room temp

A good way to tell ur at the right amount pentane is drop a seed stone inā€¦if it melts u got to much pentane

If it doesnā€™t really grow over next day or 2 still to much

If it starts growing then itā€™s perfect


I didnā€™t know that. I was assuming you would need a little heat to get the THCA to dissolve?

Cold pentane doesnā€™t dissolve THCa worth a shit.


You would need some heat.

Then after dissolved you drop temp. Mix together at the saturation ratio of choice, warm up to dissolve, drop temp and let the magic happen


Ok I really donā€™t want to waste anyoneā€™s time if itā€™s been asked but Iā€™ve been looking and didnā€™t seeā€¦ is a capped jar in my vac oven a bad idea? Add THCA to pentane in jar, heat in oven capped, then let cool down (slowly) is what I was thinking (obviously without uncapping until cooled cuz FP)ā€¦ this wonā€™t be too much pressure for the jar?


Youā€™re spot on. You can shake/swirl the jar to help break down the thca in the mother liquor